Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Coming Clean

05/05/2006 07:03 pm
"Unless of course, Buffy -- you have something to hide."

Oh darn right she does. can't wait for more of this one.

05/05/2006 06:48 am
lol the problem is she DOES have something to hide. I meen really isnt that the whole point behind her not knowing. Great chapter. i loved the different diologs
yep :) thanx, glad you liked it

05/04/2006 11:02 pm
oh Buffy has something the hide alright.... Great job for Anya to step up and force the truth out there. I just feel so bad for Spike right now. To want the claim to continue but others trying to break it. Love the chapter.
yep, anya is good at that...and poor spike is in a bad place...but things will get better

05/04/2006 10:42 pm
I LOVED every bit of this chapter!!!! And GO Giles!! Cannot wait for the next update!!!
thanx, glad you liked it :)

05/04/2006 10:11 pm
Great chapter. I am glad that Buffy was forced to come clean.
I hope that Spike does not hold back.
does he ever? :)

05/04/2006 09:25 pm
great update. really don't want spike to tell the story, theywon't believe him. make buffy tell it. thanks for the read.'re probably right, they would naturally take her side :(

05/04/2006 05:47 pm
This is just so reminisent (sp?) to S6 Buffy I can't even begin to say how much! She needs to just stop be afraid of what Giles and her friends think and tell them what is going on. Ahe also needs to except that she cares for Spike more than she lets on, and help him, and not so much herself all the time. Great chapter, can't wait for more!!
yep, i agree on all counts :)

05/04/2006 05:43 pm
great chapter
thanx :)

05/04/2006 04:54 pm
Hmmm. Will Giles be able to manipulate Buffy into telling the actual truth about her serious abuse of Spike? I don't know why she's worried about it; the Scoobies usually think he's less than a thing. More story please.
you're too right, unfortunately :(

05/04/2006 04:41 pm
::happy squeal:: I love this story. I can't wait to watch the rest of this conversation.
thanx, glad you like it :)

05/04/2006 04:12 pm
Excellant - I love how this is playing out - the way that it is all coming to light and how buffy and everyone is reacting to it. Giles last line was perfect!
their reactions might not be so good, actually :(

05/04/2006 02:14 pm
First, the praise...I am compelled to read this story as soon as you publish each chapter. You certainly know how to hook a reader. Now the concrit (which is really just my confused thoughts as I read along)...Here's the thing...this is early season 4 so Spike *is* still a bad guy. It's just that now he's a bad guy *and* a victim to Buffy's weird psychotic behavior; which I'm hoping you explain soon. Is it a strange side effect of the mating? Because it's out of character. I hope you also address Spike's bad guy status soon as well since the Scoobs really *don't* have a reason to take the side of a guy who has repeatedly tried to kill them and has yet to make even the first step towards redeeming himself. I feel bad for his situation but quite honestly, I understand completely if the Scoobs simply *don't* yet. That said; I am immensely enjoying reading this story!
it will be explained soon, i promise...and that is actually a problem for him in this, because they don't really believe him or want to take up for him because as far as they're concerned, he's still their enemy, just harmless :( .. thanx for the review

05/04/2006 12:34 pm
cat's out of the bag! i feel a kind of vindictive pleasure.

05/04/2006 11:21 am
Wow, So good the scooby gang knows about the blood bound. It´s going to be very interresting to see if Buffy lets Spike speak and if so what he has to say about it. Can´t wait for the update!!!!!
yeah, she sure doesn't want to! lol :)

05/04/2006 10:22 am
She still can't admit the truth, can she? And please do something nasty to Xander.
probably will :)

05/04/2006 05:26 am
This is great stuff! I can't wait to see where this is all going. Please, please, please, keep the updates coming!
thanx so much, so glad you like it :)

05/04/2006 03:16 am
Eeeee! Tattle on her Spike!
lol :)

05/04/2006 03:08 am
Looks like Anya is getting sick of Xander's obsession with Buffy. She can do such much better than the way he treats her.

Very clever way to keep her from refusing on Giles part.
she really can :) thanx for the review

05/04/2006 03:01 am
Well well well, finally.

I was wondering if the secret keeping was going to go on forever or not. Of course there is more to tell. I'm looking foward to that.
nope, had to come out...can't guarantee good results though :(

05/04/2006 02:47 am
Oh, yes, let's hear from Spike. Great Anya blurting out and Buffy gets outed as the bad girl she is. All around great chapter.
thanx so much, so glad you like it :)

05/04/2006 02:39 am
Hide? Please, like Buffy ever hides anything from her friends, shes the picture of honesty. NOT! Girls guna get it, so guna get it. ROFL!
yep :)
05/04/2006 02:10 am
Ooooh....the plot thickens.
*evil grin*

05/04/2006 02:05 am
Oh yes, Buffy is beginning to get hers, of course somehow they will swear this is all Spike's fault.
probably :)

05/04/2006 01:56 am
Oh wow. Now I really can't wait for the next chapter.
thanxx ;)