Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: More Questions than Answers

05/07/2006 05:49 pm
This is excellently cold JL - I love this mean Buffy, telling Spike he could speak, while controling him mentally; Spike getting no protection from the Giles and the gang although he plainly needs it and LOL at Anya's big mouth. More more more, please.
thanx, glad you enjoyed it ... i know its terribly cruel but i think it's what would have happened...the scoobies honestly didn't care about spike at all during that time..more coming up soon :)

05/07/2006 02:59 pm
Poor Spike. I hope Buffy or Spie has some sort of inner revelation to ward off some of the violence. I love the building suspense!
thanx, glad you like it :)

05/07/2006 12:12 am
I've enjoyed your stories so far, and I'm trusting you here, but have to admit that this one presents a very disturbing picture of Buffy. Really hoping you won't take the easy way out and have Spike forgive her after a "heartfelt apology" or some such nonsense. Would love to see her get a comeuppance...Ooh, maybe Angel could intervene and trounce her ass for a change. That would be interesting! Wishful thinking on my part, but will stay tuned to see where you go next.
thank you for trusting me on this one, and buffy's behavior is meant to be disturbing...and even if it takes me 70 chapters... :P lol... i will make the eventual turn around believable, no easy endings here, i promise.. :) Angel may make an appearance yet, no promises either way...but i do promise a bit of a surprise next chapter...let's just say spike will be gaining some of the support he needs :)

05/06/2006 09:10 pm
I can't believe no one's going to help him out. Are they all that mean? Silly question.
weren't they always? :(

05/06/2006 08:00 pm
PLEASE make her at least start to care about how she is hurting him emotionally! I know Joss and co. never did, but oh please let her see it and care.

Anya should dump Xander (as she should have on the show). He wants Buffy and is emotionally abusive to Anya no matter how anyone wants to twist that to make it sound better.

Tense episode...excellent.

buffy will start to open her eyes at some point, i promise...and xander is a jerk in this, i know...things will get better for anya too :)

05/06/2006 06:13 pm
No idea what you are planning, except that Spike is probably in a lot of trouble. I think it that it may take Xander seeing what is going on to really bring it home to the scoobies. Could he walk in on them maybe? I'm sure that then he would have pity for spike, as he did after Glory.
yeah, poor spike is probably in for a hard time over this one :(

05/06/2006 05:22 pm
Also not thrilled with what seem to be the upcoming rounds of more abuses. You're a compelling reader (hence with the reading!) -- but I am getting worried on this one. How can Spike feel 'hurt' when she 'rejects' him? Yeah, yeah, there's the claim -- he can't really fight back. But are we supposed to think he has feelings for this raging bitch? This is a season 4 fic. They have no history beyond UST -- and that just doesn't seem like enough for him to be retaining any positive feelings for her at this point. So I'm hoping the 'hurt' is also just an aspect of the claim -- and that the 'real' Spike is totally out of there the minute he is free of the bond.

If not, this is really kind of sick, I'm afraid. Least, that's how I read it now. I just don't see a Spuffy ending here. There just is no foundation in anything positive to justify the HUGE amount of work these two would have to do to move to anything remotely resembling a decent relationship. Well, maybe you will surprise! I really have liked all your other work. And this is, at a minimum, interesting.
thanks for the thoughtful review... let me say that their feelings are both being heavily influenced by the claim, as well as other magical forces at work which have yet to be revealed... i am coming from the viewpoint that spike had feelings for buffy already in season 4, just had not acknowledged them...and vice versa...but there will be no easy endings here, as i said before...i'm going to endeavor to makes the changes realistic, even if it takes a while... hopefully you will trust me and stick with it a bit longer, changes are on the way :)

05/06/2006 03:41 pm
Poor Spike but Dense people talk about rage then send Spike with her. Great Story. Hope the ostrich scoobies at least feel guilty. Great Chapter
they are dense but their main problem is they just dont care about spike, unfortunately :(

05/06/2006 03:02 pm
Oh, I also wanted to say, at first, I was feeling bad for Buffy, not being able to control the rage inside her; but now, after that conversation, I am not feeling so bad for her anymore. She is very self centered (well, we all knew that), and seems more inclined to keep as much of the truth as possible hidden, than to just suck it up, and have some help figuring out what is wrong with her. Those violent tendencies came out against Xander, and almost Anya a few chapters ago. Maybe she should start thinking about what might happen if she goes off the deep end on one of her friends. Is it going to take someone dying before she finally admits that there is something REALLY worng here?
yeah, the thing that is controlling buffy is gaining some strength at this point, but buffy herself tends to be naturally selfish...she will get a bit of a wake up call very soon though :)

05/06/2006 02:58 pm
I think Spike is in BIG trouble when they get out of sight from everyone else. I am glad that SOME of it is in the open, but I am preparing for a very violent next chapter. Great job on this one.
you're right, spike is in for trouble...but the next chappie might hold some positive developments too :)

05/06/2006 02:10 pm
I don't comment everytime because I'm reading your story from an archive, but I want to check in and say how much I am loving this.

Hits all my buttons. Can't wait until the next chapter.
thanx for the review, glad you are enjoying it :)

05/06/2006 02:01 pm
great chapter
thanx :)

05/06/2006 01:22 pm
Buffy ans Xander need to do some self reflectin. don't ya think?
definitely!!! i totally agree! :)

05/06/2006 01:05 pm
poor spike..

05/06/2006 12:28 pm
loveley chapter - poor spike I hope anya notices that Spike left with Buffy and stops it before he gets beat again
anya's reaction *is* still unaccounted for, isn't it? ;)

05/06/2006 06:43 am
You are good writer and have good stories...but I don't think I can take much more of this story. It makes sick to think what Buffy will do to Spike and that no one cares. It's just aweful how she is this possessive person with no feelings for another being. It doesn't feel like she's being possessed by seems like she's acting that way because she can and the claim gave her that freedom...I don't think I can read anymore...
i am sorry that the story is disturbing you, though in a way not as it is meant to be disturbing as far as buffy's behavior is concerned... and the reason it may not seem so much like an actual possession will be revealed soon... also spike will be gaining a bit more support than he has now, i promise.. :) i'm sorry if you need to stop reading, but i hope you can stick with me til things start looking up :)

05/06/2006 06:02 am
Oh dear, oh dear. Poor Spike, me thinks he's guna get it.

me thinks you're right :(

05/06/2006 05:53 am
ARGH!! More abuse coming up! Only Anya had any idea about what Buffy was doing to Spike. Giles and Willow keep their heads firmly stuck where the sun don't shine. I hope something changes soon.
yep, they're all blind as far as buffy is concerned...but i will be bringing a few characters in soon who were not always so blind ;) stick with me here, change is comin' :)

05/06/2006 05:51 am
And here we go with the abuse again. Yay. I'm so thrilled...

Oh, and maybe Spike can get bashed around the head a lot so there's evidence for the Scoobies next time.

Poor Anya - she can do much better than Xander. And hey - she warned Buffy not to do this ritual.
the problem is ... evidence wouldn't help, because aside from anya, at the moment, they simply dont care...and yes, anya could do a lot better than xander i believe :) maybe she will ;)

05/06/2006 05:49 am
enjoyed the update. am getting tired of abusive buffy, but i was tired of it in cannon, too. come on get someone on spike side, please. thanks for the fine read.
coming right up ;)

05/06/2006 05:40 am
Oh please be nice Buffy. Great update.
good luck with that :P

05/06/2006 04:55 am
Run Spike RUN! Cling to Giles or Willow or Anya!! Probably Giles since Buffy will get pissy about girl clingage
except that he can't, unfortunately :( thanx for the review :)

05/06/2006 04:31 am
oh god. that is not good at all.
nope :(

05/06/2006 03:54 am
Kill the bitch, drive a stake into her heart and dance on her corpse.
sounds good to me at this point :P

05/06/2006 03:47 am
I love this story and I love your writing, but I fear I may need to wait a few chapters before I read again. I have a sick little ball of pain in my stomache at the moment, and something tells me it'll take more than one chapter to get past it.
you might not want to skip the next one, it might be a bit rough but things should take an interesting turn, possibly in Spike's favor...your words i actually take as a compliment, as its kind of the reaction i was going for...thanx for the thoughtful review :)