Truth and Lies by Celest
Chapter: Chapter Six

07/28/2006 01:06 am he gonna take her forward in time then? very interesting so far....please tell me you havent abandoned this fic...i'd love to see more :)

05/17/2006 04:55 pm
great chapter

05/11/2006 06:48 am
This didn't feel awkward to me, and perhaps what awkwardness there is aids with the feel of the chapter. The sorrow of Angelus came through so clearly at the knowledge that his daughter can’t stay with him. You have done such a great job of bringing depth and some humanity to him while still keeping him clearly a demon. Thanks for the update.
Thank you so much for the review! I'm glad that it didn't seem way too awkward, I thionk I'm better at thoughts than conversation right now, oh well. Thank you again, I always appreciate what you have to say.

05/11/2006 06:36 am
love the update. really hope you feel better soon. thanks for the fine read.
Thank you, I'm glad that you're still enjoying the story. And I'm feeling a lot better today (thank god!) and I've already started on the next chapter.