Button, Button by anaunthe
Chapter: 14. Punishment

02/06/2008 07:00 pm
Buffy and Drusilla?
Dear Lord...

09/07/2006 12:55 am
hehehe And now Dru's gonna do her. heh. wow, buffy's just getting passed around. :)
Yes, hence the title of the story, but I think it that got lost somewhere.

07/06/2006 01:40 am
I'd be scared too if I was her, Dru is most definately friut loops and Angelus said that he was going to find Willow, she's got to be worried about that too. Good read. Thanks
Angelus is a loose cannon, liable to do anything. Neither Buffy nor Spike have any idea what his motivation is, making it even harder to predict what he will do.

05/17/2006 02:20 am
It's the least we can do so we can get our Spuffy fix.
Still not overly Spuffy - but we're getting there slowly.

05/16/2006 02:22 am
A - this is a great story and exceedingly kinky. I love it. Buffy is an idiot of course. Why is she even hestitating about staking this bum whenever she gets the chance. She must be waiting for Spike to give her a hand. Guess we can all understand that. Can't wait for more.
Yeah, that is the problem I'm running into - hard to think of too many more excuses for her to let him live. Earlier drafts had Angelus far too sympathetic and more Angel-like. Now I think maybe he has gone too far the other direction. I mean, how stupid is she? I'm working on it!

05/15/2006 06:29 pm
Hi I nommed you but didn't have an email address so I need that in order for it to be accepted - can you email me your email at athenewolfe@yahoo.com

Thanks hun!
Athenewolfe - you are just the best! Have I told you that yet? I am just tickled pink!!

05/15/2006 11:50 am
Poor Buffy - surely the Angel-goggles are well and truly smashed by now!! Please?
After the next chapter Buffy will start seeing the world through Spike colored glasses! But Angelus will still be there wanting to claim what is HIS...

05/14/2006 04:19 pm
Great update! But ick **shudder**, poor Buffy, Dru is gonna be a whole lot harder to get over than the Willow thing! Keep it coming!
Definitely. And really more of a punishment than the episode with Spike. But despite some opinions to the contrary, no one in this fic is completely stupid, they just all have different mindsets and goals.

05/14/2006 01:26 pm
*Blushes* You are to sweet! I cant believe I got thanked in the chappie. I was kinda distraught to find out there was no more to read *pouts*

But I tell you I really loved this chapter. I feel so sorry for Buffy - at least she knows that this strange realtionship she has with Angelus is not her fault. I can't believe the bastard locked her into a room with Dru. That is just quite horrible - poor buffy left at the hands of an insane vampriess. Shakes head... I cannot wait until this ficcie is updated, it is quite intriguing and interesting. Very different premise then many I have read. *hugs* very well done sweetie!
I am trying to get it done as posted ASAP, since I know RL is about to get very busy, so probably updates every other day or so if I can manage it. I know exactly where this is going, but want to make sure all the intermediate steps continue to make sense and keep the character's consistent. FYI - I really am grateful for your many reviews. It never really occured to me to do the same when I find a WIP that I really like - I had always just read to the end and then posted. Your way is so much better! Just wanted to be sure you knew that you are appreciated!

05/14/2006 06:48 am
Who's dress did she remove? I thought they were both already naked???

And icky Druness *cringes away*
You caught me in a continuity snafu!! Oh the shame! I guess I'll have to figure out how I want to fix it. And yeah, there is a reason why I cut the scene where I did. Glad you appreciated the edit.