Belonging by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Self-Defense

05/28/2006 07:03 am
yes! way to go Buffy. Maybe now the healing can really begin for everyone! except Riley. of course.
of course :) thanx

05/21/2006 02:41 am
I really enjoyed the calvary and Buffy wouldn't let them blame Spike!
nope...nobody messes with her vamp!! :)

05/19/2006 06:52 pm
I hope he can be trusted. I think Spike has every reason to be wary about everyone they come into contact with.
you're right, he does...but we'll see ;)

05/19/2006 03:32 am
What happened to Mr. Finn - He fell down the stairs, of course (Chicago Police Dept. style).

Size Six! I hate her.

What next? Doesn't Buffster need to get to chasing down those lose demons?
lol...i hate her size six little self for the review :)...oh and ps...the demons aren't really so very loose if they dont *know* that theyre loose :)

05/19/2006 12:43 am
excellent update. she might get away with it. but "There is one more thing...." that is evil. thanks for the fun read.
lol...glad you think so :)

05/18/2006 07:33 pm
Do tell...wonder what last thing she has in mind? I don't blame Spike one bit for being on guard. Speaking of guards, nice this soldier is of the decent sort.

Excellent update (hope Arnie isn't the governor or there might be a male pissing contest with Spike *G*)

it's really not that complex...when you see you won't be're right, spike should be word on whether or not arnie will make an appearance :)

05/18/2006 10:38 am
Excellent development - may we hope there's a light at the end of the tunnel at last?
you may :) story nearing an end now ;)

05/18/2006 08:23 am
Say somethign confidently enough and most people will believe you...
that's pretty much the case :)

05/18/2006 06:31 am
ack!! evil cliffies... tell me tell me i wanna know!!!!
soon enough ;)