Feathers and Forked Tongues by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Debriefing

05/24/2006 07:10 am
please keep this delightful story up. I really look forward to new chapters of this.
Thank you! I will!

05/24/2006 07:07 am
Nice interaction between Spike and Giles. Bet it was a really bad idea for Spike and Buffy to leave their respective feathers behind with Giles. Foreshadowing, much?:) Wanna see the pool game between Xander and Spike. Kinda nice to see a truce between these two. Looking forward to the next chapter, Soon, please?
Perhaps a little foreshadowing. Thanks for the review!

05/24/2006 03:13 am
love the update. slayer dream shared with spike. dump it on giles and take anya suggestion and go drink. gotta love anya. fun read, thanks
WWAD What Would Anya Do ;-) I'm glad you're liking the fic. Thanks for reviewing!

05/24/2006 02:29 am
It's official. Meret is still the cutest thing. I love your Spike, too.
Thank you!

05/24/2006 12:42 am
Still loving this one. The dreams are fascinating and I can't wait to see just what they mean. I am guessing that Spike and Buffy are going to somehow form some new entity by joining up (go Spuffy). Meret is still a delight in any form.

Interesting guess, but I'm not telling! ;-) Thanks for the review!

05/24/2006 12:18 am
hey criminals better watch out for sheriff Meret. Love all the interaction. Good Chapter
Hee! I'm glad you're liking it. Thanks!

05/24/2006 12:11 am
Spike needs to give Buffy some sex for relaxation too, heehee
Perhaps, but that would ruin my character-tormenting-fun. ;-) Thanks for reviewing!

05/23/2006 08:25 pm
Oh yeah the coatl rocks, how big will she get? Buffy hiding things from Giles now that is not unusual. Keep them chapters coming :)
I always equated her with a corn snake, so five, six feet long. Thanks for reviewing!

05/23/2006 07:17 pm
good chapter

05/23/2006 07:15 pm
Another great chapter, I really do love these stories! Can't wait for more!
Thank you!

05/23/2006 07:13 pm
So much to love...I hope we're in for quite a bit of fic with this one.

It occurs to me that we haven't seen much of Tara, yet.
If you mean a long fic, then yes. Tara's off in the U.K. at the moment, but I promise that she'll be back later. I'm glad you're liking the story. Thanks for reviewing!

05/23/2006 06:50 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.