It's Not Enough by Morrigan
Chapter: What?

05/30/2006 02:36 am
love the chapter. love oz telling the watcher what the hell is happening. way more words than oz usually needs, but he is dealing with the brain dead. great read, thanks
I did make Oz a little wordy, I know.  But, like you said, I felt it was needed, in this case.  So glad you enjoyed it!  Thanks.  :)

05/26/2006 01:42 am
lol, Ya what? Your the Watcher dont you know aready?
You would have thought so, huh?  Maybe Buffy isn't the only one who enjoys her trips down the river denial.  *L*
Thanks for the review! :)

05/26/2006 12:24 am
Can't wait to see what Spike does when he catches Buffy.
She's been a bad girl.  I think she needs to be taught a lesson... hehe Thanks for the review!

05/25/2006 04:17 pm
::laugh:: I love Oz.
He *is* pretty righteous, huh?  *L*  Thanks for the review. :D

05/25/2006 01:30 pm
Wow...that was a lot of words for Oz, LOL! Thank goodness he was there to clarify it, as the Scoobies didn't have a clue, again. Takes a demon to get these things...

Love the song choice!

Go, Spike! About time little miss Slayer got her education. She's in for the time of her life, and probably a good spanking, too.
I agree, Oz probably hasn't talked that much in a whole season combined.  But, hey... someone had to give the Scoobs a clue.  Hehehe  And, I'm glad you liked the song.

As for Buffy's edumacation...  Yeah, she made a big boo-boo.  She might have claimed Spike, but she kind of left him with a wham-bam-thank-you... Not so nice.  Buffy's in troooouuuble!  *giggle*

Thanks for review!

05/25/2006 12:11 pm
Good thing Oz was there to clear things up before they went and did something stupid.

I think Kennedy's little plan is doomed to fail. For one thing Oz will smell that she isn't attracted to him when she tries to make a pass at him.
True.  But, Kennedy doesn't know that.  She's not as smart as she thinks she is.  And, hey... could you picture Giles' face if he DID barge in on Spuffy?  Hehehehe  Thanks for reviewing!

05/25/2006 12:09 pm
all the explainy is done, can we have the smut now, please? LOL, good chapter.
*gasp*  Smut!?  Why, mp...  What makes you think I would ever write smut???  Hehehehehe  *EG*  Thanks for the review!

05/25/2006 10:49 am
I really, really love Oz in this chapter how calm he is and how he is the one to instantly realize what happened and clues Giles and Willow in. I also loved the song he was playing, great choice. :D Thanks for the update, I really enjoyed it and I am really looking forward to the confrontation between Buffy and Spike.
Thank you for the cool review!  I have been trying to think of a way to squeeze that song in for weeks.  I kept picturing potentials, too young to remember when it came out, humming it around the house, and driving Giles insane, and it tickled me to bits.  I'm glad you liked the chapter, and I hope I can get the next one out soon.  Thanks again! :D

05/25/2006 10:46 am
Good old Oz - the only one with a bit of sense. As for vile Kennedy.....
Yup, he's a smart one, that Oz.  And Kennedy... well, she just *thinks* she is.  hehe  Thanks for the review!