The Kindred Series - Book Two by DizzyB
Chapter: Ch 6 - Gathering Storm Clouds

01/26/2012 04:05 am
I just read both Books of the series in one shot. I love it! I hope you plan to continue it. Or if you have please let me know where I can find it! It was great. I would love to see where Dawn tells everyone that her and Spike had been gone for 5 years instead of 5 weeks. And what does Dawn know that the others don't. Xander surprised me in a good way. Angel went off the deep end even with his soul. But that isn't too hard for me to believe he always seemed like he was barely hanging on to it to begin with.

06/16/2006 05:08 pm
Oh my, I'm thinking that Angelus' jealousy has reared it's really beastly head. THanks for a great chapter and I really like the explanation of what's going on. Poor William! Can't wait to see what happens next.
Think this is a double-post? In that case...Ditto to previous response. :P

06/16/2006 05:08 pm
Oh my, I'm thinking that Angelus' jealosy has reared it's really beastly head. THanks for a great chapter and I really like the explanation of what's going on. Poor William! Can't wait to see what happens next.
Sorry you had to wait so long to see what happened, but the next chapter is finally up. Enjoy! And thanks for taking the time to review. Appreciate the compliments.

05/31/2006 06:10 am
wonderful update. and the evil ending is fantastic. thanks for the great read.
Thank you, thank you. And I'm well aware that the ending was wicked of me. Hopefully you'll find the wait worth it. More updates soon. :)

05/30/2006 02:11 pm
Hmm this sounds really bad, did Angelus just get loose?
Did he indeed? Only time will tell, but fortunately that time will only be about a week for the next update. Keep enjoying. :P

05/30/2006 12:43 am
ugh!!!! i can't believe you left it there...weeps! great update though!
I know, I'm evil, aren't I? Rest assured the next chapter is on the way and should be up in a week tops. Thanks for taking the time to review. :)

05/29/2006 10:38 pm
evil evil cliffie, love :( lol...i wanna know what he saw!!! can't wait for your next update :)
Thanks for the enthusiasm. Hard at work on the next chapter - should be up within a week tops. :)

05/29/2006 10:06 pm
Oh god Angel killed William the fuckin a hole. Hmmmm or is that what you have carefully crafted that we think??? Just stake Angel just in case?? :P
I love that you immediately jumped to that conclusion. You'll have to wait and see what happened, but it won't be a long wait. I'm working on the next chapter now and plan to have it up within a week. :)