Guardians of The Scythe by Athenewolfe
Chapter: Chapter 23 of 25 - Graduation Part One

01/15/2008 02:38 am
At first I thought it was Parker she saw that gave her that reaction then I realized it must be Riley. But he was in a second or third year I believe.

06/07/2006 02:25 am
awesome chapter! poor buffy has to make the hard calls! *sigh*
Thank you Karyn *hugs*

06/04/2006 09:41 am
Ooh, suspense! Who's Faith kissing? I have my suspicions, but I could be wrong so I'll keep it to myself! I hope everything goes well with the Mayor and that Buffy, Spike, and the gang can keep the death toll down!
I am still curious to know who you guessed? I have had quite a few guesses and it is wicked fun to find out who people think she is kissing and who they think she should be with. Thank you for alll your lovely reviews - I appreciate them very much!

06/04/2006 04:16 am
excellent read. who did faith pickup? he is early? thanks for the great read.
wicked grin - well that would be telling wouldn't it? *wicked smile*

06/03/2006 12:42 am
excellent fic :P
thank you *smile*

06/02/2006 05:44 pm
Amazing chp! I enjoyed every bit of it.
Thank you Rae *squishes*

06/02/2006 07:39 am
Who was Faith kissing?? I want to know now!!
*grin* now that would be telling wouldn't it? *giggles*

06/02/2006 03:56 am
Another great chapter. I'm really looking forward to the rest of this story.
I am glad that you are enjoying Guardins!

06/02/2006 03:41 am
Great chapter, Steph!!!
Thank you Mary! I am glad that you enjoyed it!