"It's All A Question Of Timing ..." by Debris4spike
Chapter: Chapter 6

07/24/2006 10:47 pm
Thank you for making the baby a boy. So often writers make any child they may have, a girl. Hated that they killed off Wesley, but for this story it works out well. Guess we all know what's going to top next year, Can't wait. Another great chapter.
I was more worried about what everyone would think of his middle name - I know the idea of Spike with a daughter is "sweet", but feel that he needed an "heir". Thanks for the continued support

07/18/2006 12:51 am
What can top it next year would be for Spike to be with his Buffy and son. {Smiles} Another good update. {reads on to Ch. 7}
Yes - you are on my wavelength!!

06/06/2006 11:50 pm
wonderful read. wes is so wes, and a logical means to get spike to london. thanks for the fine read.
Thanks for the continued support - it means a lot!

06/06/2006 08:45 am
I love the baby’s name it was such a sweet thing for Buffy to do. I really like how Buffy is keeping a journal for Spike with pictures and all. Even if he never got it, it is a great gift for his son. Wes is one intuitive individual. :) Thanks for the update, I really enjoyed it.
Thank you for the support - Hope you continue to enjoy. Glad you liked the name!

06/06/2006 04:28 am
love the story so far, very gentle and sweet. can't wait for spike to see buffy and william. keep up the good story telling. thanks
Thank you for the support - hope that you continue to enjoy

06/05/2006 09:07 pm
Make Spike go to England soon:)
keep reading - you never know your wish may come true!!

06/05/2006 08:46 pm
I think I know what can top it.
Shall I be mean and keep everyone waiting??

06/05/2006 08:28 pm
Just catching up.....really compelling story so far. Baby fic is a kink of mine and I lovingly rush to any baby WIlliam or daddy's girl stories. My extra treat when they are well written! Please give us more. Longing to see Spike's reaction, not to mention Buffy's.

Thanks for the support - pleased that you are enjoying it so far

06/05/2006 07:26 pm
I was wondering how you would get Spike to Buffy.

Would Wes actually talk to Giles, and not mention that Spike is alive again, knowing that Buffy had had a relationship with him? Of course, if Giles does know, then he should be shot for letting Buffy continue to think her lover is dead.

The journal is a lovely idea. Spike can catch up on all he's missed.
Glad that you are enjoying my ideas - hope you continue to do so!

06/05/2006 07:24 pm
I'm fairly certain that SPike would survive since he's one of the best fighters,survivors. Hopefully he'll be reunited with his familly soon enough.

Keep reading - and hopefully keep enjoying!