Broken by Athenewolfe
Chapter: Ravished

05/02/2014 01:26 pm
Dark...  but you already knew this.  you can devastate effectively with very few words.

07/25/2009 07:12 am
wow intense, luved it. especially the last line.

02/02/2008 09:22 pm
He raped her and now he is taking care of her and he is losing his sanity...I'm gonna need to read lots of happy endings to get this dark feeling out of my gut...and wow!

07/16/2006 11:04 pm
Dark, but well written. It always frustrated me about Buffy because she would say no and mean yes. No should mean no. How is a person to know when you actually mean it if you play this yes/no game all the time before. I can see how it would have basically driven Spike insane to know that he'd actually hurt her.
Thanks Tasha - I am glad that you found Ravished to be good. I always thought in a similar vein... kept wanting to explain to Buffy the concept of a safe word to her. I do think Spike would have broken himself if he had hurt Buffy so glad you see things similarly *HUGS*

06/13/2006 07:28 am
dark and sad, but beautiful. love it. thanks for the great read.
Thanks - just uploaded something not so sad! *hugs*

dark and sad, but beautiful. love it. thanks for the great read.

06/12/2006 12:59 pm
That's so heartbreaking. But beautiful in it's darkness.
Great writing. So many emotions in not so many words.
thank you Maddy!

That's so heartbreaking. But beautiful in it's darkness.
Great writing. So many emotions in not so many words.

06/11/2006 02:35 pm
I just got an image of an insane Spike gently brushing a catatonic Buffy. Very sad and bittersweet image. Well done.
thank you Tonia!

I just got an image of an insane Spike gently brushing a catatonic Buffy. Very sad and bittersweet image. Well done.

06/10/2006 10:25 pm
it's kinda depressing :( but nevertheless excellently written
Thank you@

it's kinda depressing :( but nevertheless excellently written

06/10/2006 05:29 am
The man vs. the demon, which one truly won? Or did they both lose in the end, have they lost Buffy for good?

Can't wait for more.
Thank you so mcuh for the review

The man vs. the demon, which one truly won? Or did they both lose in the end, have they lost Buffy for good?

Can't wait for more.

06/10/2006 03:12 am
This is darkly beautiful, the last two lines in particular. You’ve done another excellent job.
thank you so much Robyn!

This is darkly beautiful, the last two lines in particular. You’ve done another excellent job.

06/10/2006 03:08 am
That was great! As much as he struggles, sometimes you just can't win but he will always love her. That's the tragedy that is Spike!
Thank you - it was hard to reconcile the two situations but I was hoping I created the tragedy of it all!

That was great! As much as he struggles, sometimes you just can't win but he will always love her. That's the tragedy that is Spike!

06/10/2006 02:44 am
Whoa! Best angst I've read in years.. Great job with just two drabble.
*blushes* why thank you so much!

Whoa! Best angst I've read in years.. Great job with just two drabble.

06/10/2006 02:37 am
whoa...again very powerful though very dark...this would make an interesting little series of drabbles, please keep it up :) love it
Thank you so mcuh sweetie!

whoa...again very powerful though very dark...this would make an interesting little series of drabbles, please keep it up :) love it

06/09/2006 10:42 pm
Beautiful in its pain!
thank you sweets

Beautiful in its pain!

06/09/2006 09:29 pm
This is too heartbreaking.
Thank you glad you liked the next step!

This is too heartbreaking.

06/09/2006 09:29 pm
Tragic. But incredible. Your originality astounds me.
*blushes* thank you so much!

Tragic. But incredible. Your originality astounds me.

06/09/2006 09:23 pm
this is so sad, but you know i think it is something Joss would have explored had he gone ahead and allowed the inevitable to happen.

I have always felt that Spike would have claimed
Buffy if he had gone ahead and raped her. Turn her? Maybe, but claimed her yes.
Sad but very touching.
Thank you very much for your wonderful review. I didn't mean to make this so dark, but the muse was just taunting me. I literally wrote it and then went What? But that happens frequently. I agree with you on your points. *happy sigh*

this is so sad, but you know i think it is something Joss would have explored had he gone ahead and allowed the inevitable to happen.

I have always felt that Spike would have claimed
Buffy if he had gone ahead and raped her. Turn her? Maybe, but claimed her yes.
Sad but very touching.