"It's All A Question Of Timing ..." by Debris4spike
Chapter: Chapter 8

07/24/2006 11:17 pm
Kind of surprised that you just had him standing behind her. If you were going for shock value, it worked. Didn't see that coming that way. Of course they'd talk over hot chocolate with little marshmallows. Excited to read the next chapter. Thanks!
Nice to know I am keeping you on your toes!

07/18/2006 12:58 am
{bounces in her seat} More please ... pretty please. {grins} I like this one, and I look forward to more. This was a great update.

Oh and for Ch. 7 I forgot to put in my review that it was typical that he didn't tell them about Wesley. Though he surprised me with his speech to Spike.

Nice work!
Thanks for all the support - it has REALLY meant a lot!
Well I had to try to find something to like about Angel, didn't I?

07/04/2006 02:06 am
Great update, loved how they met up again and how quickly the business about the Immortal was cleared up. Now, him finding out he is a daddy is going to be interesting.
Thanks, again for the support - it means a lot

07/03/2006 11:33 pm
another fine read and a very evil place to stop. thanks for the enjoyment.
Thanks - shall I make you wait for the update??

07/03/2006 03:43 am
what a way for them to see each other for the first time. I just hope that they 'talk' and they don't make assumptions. Great chapter.
Thanks for the support

07/03/2006 02:22 am
This is going to be some chat! Hope to read it sooooon!
Thanks - yes next chapter will be soon-ish!!

07/03/2006 12:04 am
great chapter
Thanks, as ever, for the support

07/03/2006 12:04 am
How did he get in without an invite?
Sorry - but the school has an "open doors" policy - how did Angelus get where he wanted in season 2??