Shine Down by LadyYashka
Chapter: Chapter Seven: Down In A Hole

10/31/2008 06:31 am
Buffy is a whore(sorry it makes me feel better insulting her) good chapter, short but good.
Lol. Well if it makes you feel better.

09/13/2006 03:23 am
I like that Gunn realized how off his perception was, I hope he will start taking steps to correct it. I enjoyed Harmony and what she said to everyone before she went into the office.

07/19/2006 11:27 pm
Gggggrrr! At least Harmony said something sensible!

07/08/2006 08:25 am
This truly is the saddest story. Well written, but sad. Spike neither needs nor wants Buffy, and she only wants him for all the wrong reasons. Even Buffy's sister, her only family, hates her. She needs to apologize for interrupting their lives,go home, and move on, letting them do the same.
In my opinion, Buffy needs to grow up a bit more before she could ever be in a real relationship. From what I could see, that didn't happen on the show. Relationships take work. You pick each other up when things are bad and you realise that it is now two people's wants and needs to take into consideration, not just one. A real relationship can not be all about one person.
If I could make it so Buffy lost him to someone better, I would. But I can't do that here, so she will just have to grow up and earn him back.
I'm glad you like this story! If it is sad, then I've done a good job. I do hope that you enjoy the rest of it. These reviews do help keep the stories going and they make my day.=)

07/07/2006 08:54 pm
even harmony shows up buffy. wonderful very good update, thanks for the read.
Thank you! I actually like Harmony and just could not resist. ;)

07/07/2006 03:43 pm
Spike forgave Buffy before but then he didn't have a support system like he does now.

I love how even Dawn was digusted by her. She's gonna have a lot of obstacles trying to get him to forgive her.
That is true and also because Spike easily forgives most wrongs done to him. (at least that's what I noticec on the show)Now well, he's angry and depressed and knows that Buffy and he are on even footing. Buffy will have to convince a lot of people she's ready to change before they let her near Spike.

07/07/2006 02:14 pm
go harmony!! and i never thought i'd say that...poor spike..buffy really blew it, didn't she? they could have been closer than ever before after that revelation...but not the way she handled excellent update, i impatiently await the next :)
I was writing that chapter and Harmony just popped in and insisted on getting a few words in. So I let her. And yeah, Buffy blew it. Now she has some serious groveling to do. =)
I'll get more out as soon as it comes.