Heaven's On Fire by Chelle
Chapter: Eleven

01/09/2008 02:16 am
OH that is good, maybe Spike can get a message to Giles about where she really was with out the others knowing.

07/28/2006 10:28 pm
ahh nice bonding moment - and I rather like her contract lol - i think it is nifty - immortal, nice money - pleanty of time with her honey... sigh sounds like a nice life

07/17/2006 12:34 pm
Buffy had purposely made incorrect moves and sabotaged herself at every turn? Then she wants to get kissed :-D And then she runs again... ~ Mmm being immortal? Sounds good but not for one who came right out of heaven and can't go back than in order to you have to be dead, right? ~ And still Giles (and Willow) are thinking Buffy was in hell. I wonder what's the what with Willow's headaches. Normal? Or is there something behind it? And now Giles is going.

07/11/2006 11:57 pm
good read, thanks

07/10/2006 06:00 am
Wow, going from missing heaven to finding out you'll never go there again, that's pretty harsh. Poor Buffy.

07/10/2006 01:30 am
Buffy's immortal! Interesting read. Thanx. Loved all the Harry Potter reference in the last chappie.

07/10/2006 12:12 am
great chapter

07/09/2006 11:29 pm
great chapter

07/09/2006 11:08 pm
poor buffy... and spike is such an ass...

07/09/2006 10:40 pm
Tease! Though could there be the teeniest chink in her armour?

07/09/2006 10:24 pm
you make me actually sympathize with willow...she made a huge mistake but her motivations weren't all bad...poor buffy, to think that immortality could be a bad thing, but i understand...poor thing...can't wait to read more :)