Reclamation by spikes_heart
Chapter: Happy Campers

07/21/2010 04:29 am

12/22/2007 05:14 pm
Oh it was nice to see Spike and Xander like that, wonder what will happen when they are big again.

07/28/2006 08:49 pm
*snff* *sniff* WAHHHHHHHH - that was very good - I feel so sorry for poor xander!

07/13/2006 09:50 am
Oh, now you've gone and made me feel sorry for Harris, damn it. You know Cordy never had to make any money by babysitting, She'd be no help at all. This weeks gonna be a hoot! Very funny and entertaining story. Thanks for the read.
Amazing, isn't it? Even characters you can't stand can be made to seem sympathetic (all except one for me, and he's not in my fic if I can help it).

07/11/2006 09:47 pm
Spike was so sweet to Xander....aawww...
Ah, Spike. Who can resist the kiddies?

07/11/2006 06:57 am
The scene with little Xander after he wet the bed was heart-breaking. I am really enjoying this fic and am looking forward to following it. :)
Kids can really break your heart. And the fact that so many adults mistreat them is disgusting.

07/11/2006 04:13 am
I SO love this story. I'm studying to be an adolescent psychologist so this story is of extra interest to me. I love how by going back to their childhoods they are dealing with issues that followed them into adulthood...good old fashion regression therapy buffyverse-style! :)
Some issues do indeed take hold in childhood, and haunt you throughout life. Keep reading - there are a lot of head trips coming up. In the mean time, I'm glad you're enjoying the fic. *smiles*

Spikes Slayer2
07/11/2006 02:13 am
lol i think giles is funny and awwww "love you spike" thats so cute!! although i think the pic of giles in the banner reminds me of spike.. lol
Hmmmm... could Giles and Spike be related in some way? It's not unfeasible. Just sorta not in this fic. *grins*

07/11/2006 12:52 am
Great chapter. Love this fic. Please update soon.
Thank you, thank you. More coming soon.

07/10/2006 11:08 pm
Yep, I do know this story! Really funny stuff ahead...
Thank you! A reread is never a bad thing especially if it brings a smile to your day.

07/10/2006 10:43 pm
you brought me to genuine, heart-in-my-throat, streaming-down-my-face tears...poor little captured the emotions, the pain and fear, so well...and maybe this is TMI, but i am raising two little ones who've been through that sort of nightmare, and you have managed to capture the genuine pain and heartbreak of that situation and create a very real reactions for xander's character in this've touched me deeply...waiting breathlessly for your next update :)
**hands you kleenex and hugs you tight** On the TMI front, I've known what it is to be an abused child, so if some of this rings true... there's a reason for it. Plus having kids is a reason for other stuff, too. Glad it moved you, love.

07/10/2006 10:41 pm
Little Giles is a hoot - 'care to make somethin' of it?' I can just see him!
The little dickens! He wasn't always defined by his tweeds.