Bag of Bones by Shadowlass
Chapter: Fifteen

09/04/2006 05:45 pm
Oh i adore this chapter! Each one makes me wonder more and more he did it - i cannot wait to see the resolution you have planned!

07/19/2006 08:37 am
I love how well you do Dawn's confusion and mixed-up emotions.

07/12/2006 07:07 am
great read, thank you

07/11/2006 12:40 pm
I love Spuffy!Update soon.

07/11/2006 04:39 am
Who is it? Who is it??

07/11/2006 02:15 am
Great next chapter. The plot keeps twisting!!! Still trying to guess who is the bad guy? Dawn or Willow? Update soon...pleeease!