Reclamation by spikes_heart
Chapter: Little Rascals

12/22/2007 06:01 pm
yep it is, and they should be turning back to adults soon.

07/28/2006 09:07 pm
oh lovely chapter- i really love this story - very nicly done

07/24/2006 01:27 pm
What a heartbreaking way for Spike to find Xander in when he got him from the attic and realized how his words had hurt him. And poor Spike, the fear he felt with Xander backing into the street.

07/15/2006 03:15 pm
hehe cant wait for "next week"
**grins** Hope you're pleased with it.

07/15/2006 05:20 am
I love this so much. Between the photo shoot and Xander calling Spike "Mr. Poopy-Pire" I've been howling with laughter, so much that my poor little James was scared from his nap and almost fell off the desk, which started another round of laughter. It's been a blast to read. Thanks so much.
I'm pleased to have made you giggle. I've often scared my own kitties right off the desk when reading. It's a good mark to aim for.

07/15/2006 03:02 am
poor little xander...seems he was always prone to getting himself in trouble..which doesnt work out well with the sort of family he had...*tears*...such a sweet chapter, cant wait for more :)
Yeah, look at me! A sympathetic Xander. Who knew I had it in me? *grins*

07/14/2006 07:59 pm
Honeymonn phase...big bad mush...LOL. LOve this fic, want more:soon:
Thanks for your kind words, hon. Just a little more to go. For a change, this isn't the world's longest fic.