Trusting You by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: All I Can Ask

08/07/2006 08:44 am
I loved the truth of Spike’s statement, ‘You don’t have to trust to love someone’ as well as everything else that he said. He really showed how much he loves Buffy by being willing to even give her a chance to prove herself I just hope for his sake and happiness that she can.
thanx so much :)

08/04/2006 10:24 pm
How is she gonna earn his trust? can't wait to read on.
thanx :)

07/17/2006 10:54 pm
I hope he's not going to get over this like some 24-hour bug!
of course not...:P have a *little* faith in me! :)

07/17/2006 05:38 am
Great chapter. I am glad that Spike is giving Buffy the crumb she never gave him. I know that Buffy will probably make mistakes in trying to prove her love for Spike but I hope that eventually it will be Spuffy.
yes, because he really does love her...buffys gonna have to wrok hard but she can do it :)

07/16/2006 10:02 pm
Buffy begging - love it. Wonderfully tearful.
she deserves to beg, doesnt she? :)

07/16/2006 06:44 am
Nice character development. I'm glad she finally sees the light. But I don't think Spike can bear to make her work too hard. I feel so bad for both of them. And unfortunately I sense a certain lackage of forthcoming smut. Can't wait for the next chapter.
he probably cant stand to make her work as hard as he should...but she's gonna have to earn him back :)

07/16/2006 04:33 am
aww. poor spikey. i hope buffy's feelings for spike for genuine, cuz she's got a hell of a lot to make up for. great chapter. can't wait for more.
she sure does :) thanx

07/16/2006 02:11 am
pleeaaase make it happier soon *whimpers*
soon :)

07/16/2006 01:30 am
I'm loving this. It'll be great to see Buffy trying to win Spike--chase after him--for a change. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
yeah, she has a lot to make up for, doesn't she?

07/15/2006 11:13 pm
the sad thing is, spike really *shouldn't* trust her -- not now, not ever.

the minute willow or giles or especially xander express any of their usual anti-demon/anti-spike crap, buffy will not stand up for spike, or for her relationship with him...
well, maybe she's actually learned a thing or two from this :)

07/15/2006 10:47 pm
powerful read, thank you. buffy received more than she deserved from spike. what she has done in the previous chapters did not warrant a chance so easily. thanks again for the great read.
true, she did...thanx :)

07/15/2006 10:40 pm
powerful read, thank you. buffy received more than she deserved from spike. what she has done in the previous chapters did not warrant a chance so easily. thanks again for the great read.
thanx :)

07/15/2006 09:56 pm
Poor, poor Spike.  I love that you kept him strong through this.  No matter how hard it would be for him to reject her advances, to do otherwise would have made it too easy for Buffy to hurt him again.  Wonderful chapter.
you're right, but he cant be too hard on her and still be in character...cause he just loves her too much

07/15/2006 08:07 pm
Once again, you have taken strong, confused emotions and just thrown them in our face. This story is starting to worry me, because you estimated 17 or so chapteres. JL, if you end this story too quickly I very well may just go completely barmy. I *need* for this to end properly, happy ending or no; and although i have no doubts about your writing skills, I just want to say that somehow you will be paying for my therapy bills if this ends abruptly. Just a friendly warning:)
my stories always go a bit over...right now i'm thinking about 25 maybe? :) thanx for the review

07/15/2006 07:59 pm
No chances for Buffy! Absolutely none! Make her SUFFER! SUFFER!SUFFER!....ok... I'm what?
lol...spike loves her more than you do :P

07/15/2006 07:30 pm
Crying again how could you make it so sad. I hope Buffy learnt her lesson and Spike will let Her prove that she really does love him. More pleaseeee...........

It's wonderful
we'll see :)

07/15/2006 06:39 pm
I wish that he'd held out longer and made her suffer more. While Spike understands and deeply feels what he is saying, I think Buffy is still very much involved in her own discomfort and doesn't truly understand what she has done and how far she has to go. I still think she is totally untrustworthy. It would be better if Spike were strong enough to leave the town. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
you're possibly right...but he can't be *too* hard on her because he loves her too much in spite of it all :(

07/15/2006 06:37 pm

07/15/2006 05:46 pm
great chapter
thanx :)

07/15/2006 05:41 pm
He's a smart one...really understands the psychology, though he hasn't been human in so long.

And hey! You used "love is a choice" - exactly what she needed to learn.
yep, spike's perceptive all right..thanx :)