Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: Meet the So-Called Family

08/01/2006 07:29 am
Quentin as Spike's father, you are beyond evil. :) I loved Anne's summation of why things went they way they did for Buffy and Spike.
Anne was a really nice character to right. In the show,before Spike turned her she seemed to be a level headed woman. So I just wrote her like I saw the character would be if she were actually in the show.

07/24/2006 07:34 am
seriously weird family is right. very good read, thanks.
HE! HE!. Thank You

07/24/2006 07:20 am
pfft. I guessed
You guessed?HMM,maybe I wasn't so sneaky after all.

07/23/2006 08:16 pm
No way! Travers' his father? That a big world of eeewwwwwww! And what stick does he have up his but? who's Wes to him? at least he has his real mom to help ease his mind here. Really wondering what all you have in mind for this story and Angel and his crew. Love how Buffy stood up to Quentin. another great read.
LOL! Travers. YUCK! Travers' always had a big ol' stick up his arse. Wes is Spike's cousin. Had to stick with Anne, she was a good character.
If you try and guess what's actually going on, you'll have brain melt down.
Oh Angel's crew will be coming up shortly.
Buffy always did despise the man, it's no different here.
Thank you

07/22/2006 03:02 am
Nope, I had no clue that was who you had planned to be his family. It makes me question the whole thing even more. So far, everyone has been in roles that were very close to what we would have seen them in on the show, Quentin is completly out of place, so much so that it makes me believe that Buffy and Spike have been PUT into another dimension or something like that. We have not seen the LA crew as of yet......HMMMMMMMM.....

Can't wait for more!!
Quentin was British, and the only other English guy other than Giles that would be old enough to be his father. Although he was acting a whole lot like himself. A big, ole pompous ass.

We have seen Wesley, so that's at least one of the LA crew that has been seen. Also Cordy was mentioned in the first chapter.

I'll give you a clue though. everyone that has been mentioned so far has a connection, with the exception of a few people. The puzzle is what is the connection? Here's the people with the connection. Cordy,Buffy,Spike,Tara,Anya,Amanda,Wes,Quentin,Joyce,and Anne. That's the list so far. These are the only ones that have been mentioned. Can you figure it out?

07/22/2006 02:24 am
hmmm....very intriguing...i think i may be starting to piece it together, but knowing you probably not :) i bet you'll surprise me again yet :)
Oh ho, you might,but then again. There's a big twist coming up. I'm pretty sure that you'll be a little surprised by it.

07/22/2006 02:06 am
I just love Spike's mother Anne. I'm so glad she's his mother in this reality too, it really makes up for the fact that stuffy Quentin is his dad. Loved the chapter! :)
I'm tyring to stick to the whole mother thing, cause I loved both Joyce and Anne.
Then the whole Quentin thing was just he's British, and also quite a surprise to everyone. I couldn't use Giles cause that's been done to death, Wesley sooo wouldn't fit, considering that he's almost as young as Spike would be.

07/21/2006 08:23 pm
Imagine having a cold fish like Quentin for a dad!
All slimy, rotted, and smelly? God, I think I'd go into a coma too.