Future Imperfect by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 6 Instincts

12/31/2006 07:51 pm
everything was sort of messy and untidy in there - no kidding. hah hah. and who the twins real father is? Whoops.

12/22/2006 11:06 pm
I'm very cruious about who their father is too. Seems Shanny went all out in her teen rebellion and the effects are still lasting today. I wonder what it will take for the twins to be open with their grandparents and for them to rebuild a better relationship with their daughter.

07/31/2006 12:41 pm
Wow so many interesting things in this update. Billy's ability to mind read is a scary talent. I feel sorry for Shanny, she really has her mother's gift of hiding her true feelings, wanting normal even if she is not sure what that is, and most importantly non- or miscommunication and keeping secrets even if they might be harmful and it looks like Joyce has inherited the keeping secrets and non-communication gifts as well. I really hope that not only will Spike and Buffy be able to help the kids they will be able to reach Shanny also and help her let go of her anger, maybe the first step is getting the truth about the twins parentage. Thank you for such an interesting update, I really enjoyed it.
You’ve hit the nail on the head! Shanny is, of course, very like Buffy in wanting a normal life. And although this is the twins’s story, it is turning out to be Shanny’s as well. And when the truth comes out about their father - well, I’ll be hiding behind the sofa!

07/24/2006 04:26 am
very good update. seems their "normal" daughter has been keeping secrets. rhanks for the fun read.
Oh yes! It’s going to get nasty!

07/24/2006 04:24 am
All caught up now. Wow that was a lot of information.Feeling really bad for Xander, trying to love his life but can't quite do it because of Anya. Yes Buffy is very lucky that she got to spend her life with her soulmate. So I'm guessing that Shanney got pregnant on her fifteenth birthday? or sometime shorty after that. No wonder Billy doesn't what to tell anyone about his abilities since his sister gets into trouble because of hers. He's a very intelligent boy. Love all the backgroud that you're giving us. It's a vrey complicated story you've got here. Very interesting. Another wonderful chapter. Hope you can update soon.
thanks for reviewing story. Hope you continue to enjoy it. I feel desperately sorry for Shanny, although some readers find her annoying!

07/23/2006 07:24 am
I love this story! It's so original and detailed. I honestly don't know what's going to happen, but I can't wait to find out!
Thanks for your comments. So pleased you like the story.

07/23/2006 06:16 am
Good story,but I still hate Shanny with a passion. The way,so far, that it makes it seems like she treats her own children...yes, she had a rough childhood. But don't go f-ing up your own children's childhood. Right now, unless you have some good twists coming, I'm rooting for a vamp to have a nummy Shanny Snack and the twins to stay with the grandparents.
Don’t you feel even a little sympathy for Shanny? The twins seem to be dealing with the situation better than their mother! And perhaps that’s scary in itself.

07/23/2006 04:56 am
Whoa! Go Spike with the intuition...interesting twist - Can't wait to hear what the answer is.

07/23/2006 03:12 am
they dont know?!? oh my..

07/23/2006 02:16 am
I just hope that Buffy really listens to Spike about Billy. I am just so glad that the kids did have somewhere to go. I think Spike had a really good point when he stated that Shanny always wanted normal and her kids are anything but. Love the chapter.
thank you for reviewing. Your points are quite right. Funny how Buffy can’t see that Shanny only wanted what she did before Spike.