Button, Button by anaunthe
Chapter: 22. The Morning After the Night Before

08/13/2006 04:45 am
She's going back to the mansion? How stupid is this girl, anyway. Great chapter. Very hot.
Yeah, I got a lot of comments about her being portayed as too stupid. I prefer to see it as young and trusting. We were all there once.

07/31/2006 05:21 pm
Poor Buffy - how is she suppose to resist that? I mean it made me hot and I just read it - I mean it was freaking amazingly hot. I would not be able to resist the duo at this point.
I agree. They're making it hard for her to say no. And really, who would want to. Everything seems to be going her way. But of course that can't last.

07/31/2006 02:39 am
Oh, that and the fact that the champagne probably had her blood in it...
Mmmh. Hadn't thought about that...

07/31/2006 02:28 am
The two vampires can seem to communicate with their mind. Do they got a blood bond going or claimy goodness?
I don't know about that - but they do know one another extremely well...

07/28/2006 11:39 pm
Holy moly!!
Thanks. See Challenge written to Verda, above.

07/28/2006 07:42 am
*fans herself* ohhh my GAAWWD!!
Thanks. See CHALLENGE written to Verda, above.

07/28/2006 06:31 am
You really did pull out all the stops on that chapter, fantastic! Angelus is the ultimate con. With the twenty plus years that he and Spike spent together, they do have they're act down, no matter if they were with Darla and/or Dru. They really did a number on her, he got just what he wanted...she's thinking about it. Awesome chapter, girl! can't wait 'til the next update.
Thanks, Verda. I'll give you a challenge if you want. Re-read that chapter and see if you can see what I implied that Buffy missed (being naive). First person to write me a review with the correct answer and I'll email you ALL THE REST OF THE CHAPTERS!

07/28/2006 06:18 am
Stupid girl. "Gee I feel fine, so its ok to share more, after all I did beg",some people never learn. GREAT update, thanks for making my night!
Thanks - and glad I could bring you some measure of enjoyment. Hope you like the rest of it.

07/28/2006 12:28 am
How long for the menage-a-trois to continue as their evening entertainment?
I am not sure what answer you are looking for, and hate to say. But you will find out next chapter.