Feathers and Forked Tongues by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Vessel

08/31/2006 04:20 pm
Hey, I'm back! :D I loved this and I'm sure I'll like the rest of the chapters just as much :D
Welcome back! Thanks!

08/02/2006 06:09 am
WOW! Spike can channel souls amongst other wonderful things. Great chapter. Thank you for coming back to us.
Sorry about that disappearing act, but real life abducted me for a while. Back now though, so I should be back at my weekly updating. Thanks for the review!

08/02/2006 05:29 am
Wonderful chapter - warm and sweet. I love that Spike has a destiny that isn't always dependent on him just being there to back up Buffy or the other scoobies. Can't wait to see what else the powers that be have planned for his future. And I REALLY can't wait to find out what's up with Giles and why Meret is having such a strange reaction to the watcher. You will update soon, won't you? Begging nicely here. :)
I'm back so my old posting schedule. No more month long disappearances (I hope)! Thanks for the review!

08/02/2006 04:50 am
very good read, thank you. why do i think you will make good use of spike's new weapon?
It's the gun theory. You don't introduce a gun into a movie unless you intend to use it. Then again, I love red herrings. ;-) Thanks for reviewing!

08/02/2006 01:33 am
*grabs meret and runs off to cuddle her, forgetting poor abused spike*
Wait a second! I need her for the next chapter! ;-)

08/01/2006 10:55 pm
I love how descriptive you are. *iz jealous*
*iz flattered* ;-) Thank you!

08/01/2006 07:59 pm
nice update. more soon.
Working on it. ;-) Thanks!

08/01/2006 07:55 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.One of my favorite names is Rhiannon.I can picture Buffy and Spike naming a future daughter that.
Thanks! I should be back to my weekly posts now.

08/01/2006 07:45 pm
great chapter
Thank you!

08/01/2006 07:42 pm
Yay! Another update! Interesting development with the "empty vessel" concept. Poor Spike, has to go thru all that only to get a chewing out from Buffy when he comes back. Excellent update. Looking forward to the next.
No rest for the wicked (Spike, for his 'vacation,' or me, for my posting delinquency). Thanks for the review!