Origins: Revelations by Niamh
Chapter: Planning is indispensible

06/13/2007 09:15 pm
Uh oh Glynnis is really bad news.

11/24/2006 09:29 pm
oh there's a traitor, filling angel in on all the secrets they've been talking about...that's just great *sigh* great chapter, though, in a non-sarcastic way :)

08/31/2006 05:57 pm
Not really surprised about Glynnis jumping ships. There's been plenty of hints, at least for me.

Great chapter :)

08/21/2006 11:11 pm
Great chapter. Dawn's turmoil was particularly good.

08/21/2006 12:15 pm
Nooooooooooooooo... Okay the bad thing about catching up is now i have no more of your ficcie to read! This is so freaking good! I love it - i knew that vamp was going to betray them. Evil evil - how dare she side with angelus - evil!

08/08/2006 08:33 pm
i am still really enjoying this story. I'm so excited when i see a new chapter! i've been reading since the first Origins story and have even gone back and read it again. i hope things get better for you and you keep going with this story. no pressure, just when you're ready. thank you for all your hard work, you are a really talanted writer. Best wishes and good luck!

08/05/2006 11:04 am
Ooh, a traitor.  Can't wait to see what this brings.

08/04/2006 10:17 pm
uh oh. . . glynnis is going to be a problem. . . yikes this could be very bad

08/03/2006 11:28 pm
I'm so happy to see an update. I love this story, and I'm happy for more whenever it becomes available. I can't wait to see how this battle turns out.

08/03/2006 08:17 pm
Ohhh Glynnis is turning traitor is she....well well this should be interesting.

Hope u feel better soon and can get back to writing and doing what ever else u like to do.

08/03/2006 05:41 pm
First of all this is me, smiling from ear to ear about the new chapter.

HOT DOG!!!!! Glynnis is so going to get it. I just hope that they can stop her before she makes a mess of all of this.

Glad that Dawn was having a breakthrough in her thinking about herself. I am happy that she had that interaction with Connor.

Love Lawson thinking about Anya and Giles.

Buffy and Spike taking more of a parental standpoint on the kids and the making sure they can take care of themselves. Spike making sure that Anya could take care of Dawn and Connor.

Finding out about Jenner's past. What does Angel have planned. Just an overall GREAT CHAPTER...

Hope the RL issues are now okay. And hope your move goes smooth.

08/03/2006 07:55 am
hope you're starting to feel better. post when you want, this is one of those tales, that when you see a chapter posted, you are elated. thanks for the fine read.

08/03/2006 07:49 am
Hey, stuff happens. RL has to come first.

Excellent chapter. I'm just waiting for the mansion to go BOOM!

08/03/2006 05:41 am
Thanks for the this chapter. There are so many players now and knowing who's playing for whom and why is mind boggling. I will wait for more story.

08/03/2006 03:57 am
No need to apologize for the delay in updating. Just totally love this story and am happy to see a new chapter whenever one appears. Anticipation just makes reading a new chapter that much sweeter. And that was especially true of this one. The scene with Dawn and Connor was really touching. Now the cliffie with Glynnis and Angel - that was kinda evil. lol But I love it anyway!

08/03/2006 03:55 am
Sorry that you've been ill, hope all that heat isn't making your recovery harder. I live in central Florida and we've barely hit 95. Anything that you write is worth waiting for, so take your time. Another great chapter, Spuffy are really parents now and I'm glad that Dawn's not taking her pain out on little Conner. I hope that Glynnis is working from within and not against them. Update when you can and take care.

08/03/2006 01:13 am
As usual, another great chapter. Hope you feel better soon.

08/03/2006 01:12 am

08/03/2006 12:33 am
I love this, I can wait for more, the quality of your work ensures it :) Thanks for sharing.

08/02/2006 11:52 pm
Oh, hon, I'm sorry about everything that's happening to you. No rush on my part, sweetie, because I know how RL takes precedence over everything. Take care!!

This update is awesome!! Gosh, I don't know where to begin, except to say---WOW!! Love the Dawn/Connor scene--caused me to cry for her pain, but also for her to possibly heal. The rest was just as fantab--and I knew Glynnis would betray them. Argh! Ooh, can't wait for another!!

08/02/2006 11:49 pm
Oh yeah the plot deepens :d