There's Something About Spike by fallen_angel
Chapter: Books, Movies and Friends...

08/15/2006 03:25 pm
You certainly got the evil part right, these questions and cliff-hangers are killing me. :P I loved Dawn’s reaction to seeing Spike. Thanks for such an enjoyable update.
Thanx Robyn.Always eager to hear your opinion. I'm answering one question in the next chapter.

08/14/2006 08:16 pm
oops accidently pressed enter! So Dawn knows where Spike is? update soon! and happy birthday
Thanx for the birthday wishes.

08/14/2006 08:14 pm
u so locked us in the cottage! i love trusting u. soo sweet. jl rocks
jl does rock.

08/14/2006 08:12 pm
u named a chacracter after my sis? can't blame yah. the last part putme in mind of me sis yellin' at me. ofcorse charlotte likes to team up with her dog while hounding me*no pun intended*
Don't gove this lottie a dog. Don't want Spike to live my nigtmare(of a life) too
I like dogs and your sis is a wonderful person

08/10/2006 12:29 pm
I'd say update soon but since I don't visit here often...I'll say e-mail me the next chapter!
Good things come to those who wait

08/08/2006 08:27 pm
I like Charlotte for some crazy and bizare reason. Would have read and reviewed sooner but some idiot *read Tisca F.A.* dragged Tia, Tina and me to Goa and locked us in a cottage witjout a PC!
Where's the Tisca person? I'm gonna kill her! On second thought, I'm really not into sucide. And I did not *lock* you in the cottage.

08/07/2006 06:40 pm
I still didn't get the answer to my question, is Dawn gay? Are Charlotte and Spike related by blood? You cant be that evil,
please tell me!
Jack trained me well.

08/04/2006 06:12 pm
It's me again.I've decided to explain what I'm confused about.

Why Buffy's a doctor-type person.
Dawn and Becky
Ok, 1 and 3 will be cleared up in the next chapter. Cordy... well you'll have to wait for that. You only get to find out when Buffy stumbles upon it.

08/04/2006 03:35 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.I'm so confused.Is Dawn dating a girl named Becky?
Thanx for the review.

08/04/2006 06:30 am
OK, I'll be waitin' for the answer to that and other questions. It's good that Spike has friends, I guess after he got his soul he never went back to SunnyD , never sacrificed himself and never made up with Buffy? Does that sound about right? Looking forward to more in a week or so. Thanks for the read, very interesting twist.
And your score is...*drum-roll*...0. LOL. Sorry honey, you're totally off. Spike did all those things. It's what he does after NFA, that forms the twists of this fic.Thanx for the review

08/04/2006 05:15 am
wow...that was an awesome chapter, and i trust you'll make all clear in time...i like the friendships spike has developed, very well represented thus far...and the shout-outs to me and my fics are *so* very sweet of you!! love you, girl, appreciate your support so much! :) *hugs*
Wow! That's the best compliment I've ever got. My hero thinks my chapter was awesome!*does the money jig*

08/03/2006 11:41 pm
okay i take it lottie's who we talked about it reads great now up date soon
Yup, Lottie's the one.