Feathers and Forked Tongues by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Telepathosis

Kim Adams
01/27/2007 07:17 pm
I really enjoyed this chapter and the mirror incident had me laughing so hard I cried...thanks for that. Meret is just precious and I love it when Spike laughs and gets hysterical.
Great Story!
Hee! Thanks!

08/31/2006 04:59 pm
Well done :D

08/28/2006 04:34 am
Calling out the calvary, huh? Sounds like things are about to get very exciting. Cute chapter. Dawn and Meret both pretty well have Spike pegged. Kinda hard for a vampire to play it cool around those two. lol Hope you update soon. I love this fic.
All of Spike's harem have him wrapped around their little fingers, even if he won't admit it, but those two know it and are willing to exploit it. Thanks!

08/23/2006 06:51 pm
I want to see meret and Spike in front of the mirror. Nice chapter
Hmm, now there is a situation I hadn't thought of. What would that thing do to Meret's feathers? Hmm. ;-) Thanks!

08/23/2006 09:36 am
The plot keeps thickening here and I cannot find a way to see through it yet. Does Meret know what's going on? Would she tell me if I asked nicely and found a nice mouse for her? More story please.
Perhaps mouse bribery might work, but would they understand what she had to say? ;-) I know, I'm a wretched tease. Sorry. And thanks!

08/23/2006 02:30 am
even with the concern for giles, meret appears to be ingreat form. "Her disparaging thoughts translated pretty obviously to, ‘Moron.’ The vampire refrained from banging his head against the door frame." thanks for the great read
Glad you're liking it. Thanks!

08/22/2006 10:07 pm
lol loved the mirror
Thank you!

08/22/2006 09:57 pm
I want one of those mirrors... *pouts* And a Spike to go with it...
Wouldn't we all... ;-)

08/22/2006 06:14 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.Wow,I wonder what's up.Can't wait until next Tuesday.
Sorry, not exactly on time, but my writer's block is kind of kicking me around. Thanks!