Borrowed Time by msclawdia
Chapter: Bargaining

05/17/2015 05:42 am
I love the premise of Joyce being alive in this timeline - wonderful beginning.  

06/06/2010 04:42 am

12/19/2006 04:59 pm
Poor Buffy seems very confused by everything that's going on. I like her neediness about her mom and how she and Spike seem to be insinctively connected

Thanks for the feedback, and welcome to the story. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of it as well!

10/10/2006 07:46 am
It’s going to be interesting to see what kind of difference Joyce’s presence will make for Buffy.

Thanks. The toughest task writing this was sorting out where Joyce could and couldn't make a difference, and also remembering that the characters don't know she's not 'supposed' to be there.

09/25/2006 09:27 pm
interested twists - i cant wait to see how this impacts the world

09/06/2006 06:14 pm
i love the twist - good start!

09/01/2006 10:15 am
Looking forward to seeing more :grin :read

08/30/2006 08:16 am
oh very nicely done! I've never seen a season six like this where Joyce is still alive. It's one of those concepts that SOMEBODY should have thought of. ;) Guess somebody did. You're doing great! Keep it up. Can't wait to see more. :)
Well, the Joyce idea was Shan's. I just ran with it. It worked in nicely with some ideas I was already working on, and it gave me a good starting point for a way to make the season six era not quite so dire. I hope you'll continue to enjoy it!

08/29/2006 09:37 pm
Excellent start. And it's really well written.

08/29/2006 08:55 am
Had to read this. Anything with Joyce and to have her relationship with Spike in print, I'll read it every time. Excellent start. Glad that Spike's the one who found her and Buffy asking if this was hell, was so heartbreaking. Great read, thanks.

08/29/2006 06:22 am
great chapter

08/28/2006 02:44 pm
Very interesting start, I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

08/28/2006 02:07 pm
There were a few grammer problems like "They'd made a mistake and now They'd corrected it, sent her to this place." that you might want to fix.
Over all I really liked it and I hope to see more of this story very soon. Good start! =)

08/28/2006 12:47 pm
Very interesting start. You captured the disjointedness Buffy perceives beautifully here-- it's all harsh and bright, isn't it?

Looking forward to seeing where you take this one!

08/28/2006 12:35 pm
Great start! Can't wait to see where this goes!

08/28/2006 07:59 am
Wow...ouch. Definitely a different world if Joyce is able to live through the tumor, etc. Buffy won't spiral down so hard, and Joyce will watch out for her loved ones.

08/28/2006 05:50 am
good beginning, thank you

Rotting Future
08/28/2006 04:46 am
Very nice beggining. Loved how Buffy was using her families clothes instead of her own. Can't wait to see where this goes and the effect Joyce will have on everything.

08/28/2006 03:04 am
wow....what a heavy pressure on poor buffy...i wouldn't want to go down there, either :( this is a very promising start, can't wait to see where you take it :)