Borrowed Time by msclawdia
Chapter: Flooded

Loving it. :-)
06/06/2010 07:04 am

01/20/2007 05:07 am
Just found this fic, and loving it. Especially this chapter - Spike's lines are hilarious.
Welcome aboard! I hope you'll continue to enjoy it.

10/10/2006 08:13 am
I love the closeness and the comfort Buffy gets from Spike. How like Willow determined to fix things.

Thanks again. And that desire of Willow's is going to get her in trouble...

09/25/2006 09:31 pm
scary willow alert!

09/01/2006 04:08 pm
Good story. I like how you have written Xander. I hope he remains observant and a thinker. I also hope that Spike and Buffy don't fall into that disastrous relationship that was season six.

09/01/2006 01:50 pm
I like that Buffy is actually being considerate of Spike. And good to see Willow where I thought she'd be!

09/01/2006 11:03 am
Great chapter!

09/01/2006 08:04 am
willow's headed down the scary path again....hope buffy's able to open up to spike without destroying them both, this time around :)

Yeah, I think the idea of Willow having magic problems is legit (like Anya's great speech about how it's always the good, quiet ones who go really nuts...). I just didn't like the way it was handled in canon. I can't promise people are going to like where my take goes any better.

09/01/2006 06:51 am
Spike's good at being cute.

I'd like to see Joyce, sometime. I'm really interested in how her presence will change the season.
Joyce has a heavier presence in the next chapter.

09/01/2006 06:03 am
Really nice chapter. Seems like Willow's still merrily drifting down that river in Egypt. Hmmm... maybe you could have a mummy or something jump her and shake some sense into her. Hope you turn her around before it's too late. Will be looking forward to your next update.

09/01/2006 05:21 am
Great story so far. I loved Spike trying to be sly about the motorcycle thing. Looking forward to more.

09/01/2006 02:53 am
Keep it coming! You're doing great. I'm hoping that since this Joyce has cancer, perhaps she might survive in this fic and have more time with Spike. Loved that Buffy remembered it matched her ring. Don't know if it's such a good idea for her to learn but it is time alone with her. Willow's not going to get "it" here either, is she? Hate that you won't be updating as often, will be watching for when you do. Thanks for the read.
I'm not entirely sure that Buffy actually kept the ring, but I thought the quip worked either way :)

The updates are slowing for a couple of reasons. Chapters are getting longer, there's more divergence from canon, etc. I've also been working ahead on my Smashed-era chapter, trying to get the smut (gulp) to work, which has been distracting me from getting the next chapter in shape. With the long holiday weekend, I hope to get some writing time in...

09/01/2006 01:47 am
Good chapter.
I enjoyed the Spike/Buffy interaction. And Buffy on a motercycle?... At least she'll have a good teacher! lol.
Looking forward to seeing what happens with Willow.