Feathers and Forked Tongues by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Magnetism

09/15/2006 06:39 am
Loved it :D

09/09/2006 05:49 am
Love the teleportation spell - beats the transporter beam from Star Trek all to pieces. lol Just loved the scene between Spike and Buffy on the porch. Tentative, sweet and tender. Of course, there was bound to be an interruption! Meret being all indignant on their behalf was just too cute. Loved this chapter. Hope you update again soon.
I had to mess it all up, I'm perverse like that. ;-) I'm just glad no one has tried to stone me to death over it. Thanks for reviewing!

09/07/2006 07:21 am
loved it, thank you for the excellent read.
Thanks! Glad you liked it!

09/07/2006 05:43 am
Ha! You didn't think I'd let it be that easy did you?

09/07/2006 12:41 am
UST VERY nicely done. Sooo close, darn that Dawn. Can't wait for the next update.
Hee, frickin' little sisters. Glad I never had one. ;-) Thanks!

09/06/2006 10:34 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.
Will do. Thanks!

09/06/2006 07:43 pm
whheeeeeeee!! An update. . . and now I have to go back and re-read so I can be more coherent when I really review instead of just squeeing because you updated!
Hee, glad I could be of service. Thanks!