Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Taking Responsibility

09/25/2006 09:05 pm
good chapter sweetie!
thanx :)

09/12/2006 09:54 pm
Yay Spike!!!

09/10/2006 05:53 pm
I am truely sadden by Spike's feeling. I understand and I grieve for him. How does someone forgive the one who caused them so much pain and humiliation. Buffy migth offer to submit to her mate, let him become the alfa mate.
yeah, it's not going to be easy...something like that might be in order :)

09/10/2006 12:43 am
Oh. That is so sad. Spike can't touch Buffy. He remembers all the pain the SLAYER did to him. It's hard for him to disassociate his mate from the one who caused him so much hurt.'s gonna be tough to get past what the slayer did to him.. :(

09/09/2006 11:50 pm
great chapter, thank you. now buffy has a lot of work to do.
yep :)

09/09/2006 10:53 pm
oh that's so sad. But he shouldn't blame her really. It's not her fault it was the slayer demon. Buffy never wanted to hurt him, not like that.
well, that's easy to *say*...but when he's looking at her face and seeing the monster that terrorized him...he can tell himself that all he wants, but that doesn't mean he's gonna want her touching him... :(

09/09/2006 10:44 pm
Well at least travers is dead. Now we just have to wonder about Buffy and Spike.

not for long :)

09/09/2006 06:15 pm
Yeah, they really do have a lot to work through. It's not gonna be easy. I feel so sorry for both of them. The Council is probably gonna be out for blood once they hear about Travers' death. I imagine there will be more complications to come.
yeah, hopefully giles can help with that...but buffy and spike will have to work through their issues :)

09/09/2006 05:57 pm
Loving the angst!
thanx :)

09/09/2006 05:32 pm
I feel so sad for them both, so much pain....
Thanks for the chapter!!!
yeah, they've got a tough road ahead :(

09/09/2006 01:04 am
I am so happy that you haven't made Buffy and Spike fling themselves into each others arms and live happily ever after. This is a great story, and it deserves to have a proper and complete ending. I hope that they will be able to pull off a healthy relationship, but until that time, I am glad that you are sticking with them. Super job, and I can't wait for more.:)
no...there's been too much pain for's gonna be tough on them to get things right, but possible :)

09/09/2006 12:53 am
JL - I knew you were going to do something mean, but this caps it!

Thanks ever for killing that old goat Travers and for another excellent chap.
thanx :)

09/08/2006 06:29 pm
They both need a time out to sort the events (and also deal with Willow and her secret and Giles and his stupidity). This makes perfect sense. Spike doesn't even know what HE is right now sans chip without throwing in a relationship with one who had been his enemy then loved one and torturer. Buffy has lots to deal with too. Yup, a time out followed by Spuffy lovin' You're just the writer to give it to us good too! Excellent and believeable.

Maybe Giles can redeem himself by covering wth the Council of wankers....hum....

yeah, they've still got a bit to deal with...and spike is gonna have to work through his issues with her now...thanx so much :)

09/08/2006 06:22 pm
oh no.more please!
soon :)

09/08/2006 06:16 pm
just keeps getting better- how isa buffy ever going to get past the emotions that spike has ? can't wait to see!every time i think i see where this story is going you add more dimension to it .
it's not gonna be easy..thanx so much :)

09/08/2006 05:15 pm
Keeping the Spuffy fans on edge. A naturally reaction from Spike of course,but still...Want a happy ending:)
you'll get it, love... :)

09/08/2006 05:06 pm
Now this is what I have been waiting for. Finally the tables have turned and we get to see Buffy in a bit of pain. About time.
glad you're happy :P

09/08/2006 03:32 pm
Ouch. Well, the danger's past, but will their relationship survive? Can't wait for more.
thanx :)

Dee Bradfield
09/08/2006 02:52 pm
*gapes* Good Lord! What a powerful, gut-wrenching chapter!

I completely understand Spike's reaction. After everything they've been through, there's no way they can slip straight into the sweetness and light.

My guess is that's gonna take a couple more chapters. ;P
thanx so much...yeah you're estimate is about right :)

09/08/2006 01:29 pm
I understand why he feels that way, BUT, it still made my heart ache for her, and him alike. I really don't know if they can ever regain their love. The demon put Spike through way to much, you know? What a powerful chapter!
it's gonna be hard...but they can do it :)

09/08/2006 01:27 pm
So sad. But she should have expected something like that was on its way.
yep :(

09/08/2006 01:07 pm
Poor Spike, he's so torn. Had to kill Travers left the other one to live, all the torture he's been through. So much to deal with and to top that off he's not chipped anymore. Emotions running all over the place, she has to give him space no matter how much she what's to hold him. Thanks for letting her beat the crap out of him anyway, at least he suffured a little before he was put down like the scrum that he is. Very emotional chappie, thanks for it.
yep, he's kind of in a bad place right now, not sure what to do...but it will all work out ;)

09/08/2006 12:11 pm
Poor Spike. ::sniff:: So much damage done and in such a short amount of time.

09/08/2006 11:55 am
Oh! :'(

Great chapter though!
thanx :)

09/08/2006 09:09 am
Yep...the weight of all he went through was bound to drop soon. Crisis handled and averted, so it all catches up with him now...every hurt her body visited upon him. Every cruel word that came from her voice and face.

And there's nothing she can do to change her touch, without changing bodies.
yep, exactly....they're gonna have a hard time getting through this that the pressure of the fight is over, he has time to think about the pain... :(

09/08/2006 07:47 am
Spike is a JERK!!
what?? i cant believe you'd say that!! he's been tortured and raped and abused for days by a monster wearing buffy's body...i'd say he's being incredibly understanding, all things considered... *sigh*...oh well...can't win 'em all :)