Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Aftermath

09/25/2006 09:09 pm
I really like the way you wrote dawn in this chapter and story!
thanx so much, i like writing her as a sympathetic friend to spike...he had so few in the show :(

09/12/2006 09:59 pm
Brilliant chapter - they've a long way to go. Joyce is formidable.
yep, joyce can be a help to them though :)

09/12/2006 08:35 am
excellent read, thank you. we have joyce suppling the voice of reason; dawn, compassion; giles,suggesting magic (is that not how we got here?) and buffy, channeling willow (i want to make it right, NOW)
yeah, they're pretty much all in their places...

09/12/2006 03:59 am
As I've expected....
the inevitable breakdown?

09/12/2006 12:03 am
Awww - :: sob ::

09/11/2006 05:42 pm
Great chapter. I feel so sorry for Spike. The heartbreak is evident. "What are we going to do". So sad.
thanx, glad you liked it...i wanted it clear, it's not all about wants to have a good relationship with her as his mate, but just doesn't see how at this point

09/11/2006 02:22 am
Yeah, cause this whole ordeal has been so good on Buffy, too *rolls eyes* Just like in previous chapters, hate that its like he and others forget she was a victim too...
no, it's been hard on her, too...but spike's the one who was tortured and violated, and it's not that he doesn't forgive her -- it's just a lot to get past...can you blame him for not wanting her to touch him at the moment?

09/11/2006 02:14 am
Gee, never a landfill around when you need one. Okay, JL has made Spike and Buffy miserable again with no end in site. Love it.
lol...that could be a good thing...glad you like the sadistic way in which i treat these :P

09/10/2006 09:52 pm
Intense, gut-wrenching chapter. Just awesome.
thanx so much :)

09/10/2006 07:13 pm
I don't get it, everyone is supposed to forgive Spike because he has changed and granted he has but he still killed other people, other peoples sisters, family and friends, is this not supposed to matter because "we" don't know them. he was a mass murderer. but I digress. I love Spike. I forgive him to. but because I forgive him for what his demon did and everyone else is expected to forgive him too, shouldn't Buffy be given this same treatment. yes he needs time but Buffy has gone through hell too, put yourself in her shoes, she can"get over it"? If that had happened to me and I did those things to a person I love I'd have gone insane. so I guess treating her like crap and telling her to grow up is ok, she doesn't have the right to feel sorry or try to fix it. I guess it's not the same thing as Spike constantly in HER face saying "I've changed"and her family saying she should accept it because they do and them choosing him over her. they have both been traumatized, why do her feelings get invalidated.
well, the issue here is not so much with forgiveness...spike knows in his mind that it wasn't buffy...but that doesn't change the fact that the hands that she touches him with are the hands that tortured him...the face, the scent, the feeling...all the's not that he doesn't forgive her, but it's hard for him to get past it...and yes, buffy's hurting too...but most people's natural reaction in a scenario like that would be to sympathize with the one who ended up most hurt, not the one who did the hurting -- even if it was against their will to do it and very traumatic for them as well...hope you like the rest of the story :)

09/10/2006 06:52 pm
I'm so glad that Dawn is there.
me too :)

09/10/2006 05:21 pm
Sweet Dawn, Spike really is in a bad way. His heart is so shattered.Thanks for a great chapter.
yeah, he's very broken right now, and dawn might not be able to understand all he's going through, but she knows instinctively that he needs her support :)

09/10/2006 04:34 pm
::Sob:: :( it's .... *sniff* so...:(:( saadddd! ::sob::
:( sorry, love

09/10/2006 03:43 pm
oh my!! It's all so heartbreaking... I feel bad for them both.
On a happier note, Ripper gets to come out to play for a bit - yay! :)
yeah, that should be interesting :)

09/10/2006 03:35 pm
You've written College Buffy very well. Love the hint of imaturity(or is it naivete?) that characterizes her behavior. She's really just a little spoiled if she can't see and respect that saying Sorry isn't gonna cut it. I gotta admit, I'm losing hope for there to be a happy ending here. Maybe therapy? Can't wait for the next update.
thanx, that's what i was going for...there will be a happy ending of sorts...but it will be a hard road...buffy's gonna have to face up to the consequences of her foolish choice to attempt to dominate spike... :(

09/10/2006 03:32 pm
Wow. Poor Spike. I feel horrible for him. He wants so badly to not feel the way he feels, and yet he has every tight to. Buffy wants to make everything better, but doesn't seem to understand that she is the one who did thid to him, even if it wasn't her in control of her body. It is going to take a LONG time to get over this.
yeah, but he really couldn't help feeling that's gonna take 'em a while, that's for sure :)

09/10/2006 03:12 pm
Very nice chapter. Good to see someone address Willow,and goodtoseeJoyce once again defending Spike...though I am still mad at her for her sudden lack of faith from before.

Will you also address the fact that while the Slayer demon isn't in control, it is still in Buffy? Spike's tormentor is inside the woman he loves, granted bound, butstill there.
well, it's understandable that joyce might have a moment's doubt or two...this is her *daughter* we're talking about....and yes, that second issue will definitely come's a good portion of what spike's feeling, even if he hasn't put it to words yet :)

09/10/2006 01:52 pm
My heart ache so much for the blonde.I feel sp sorry for him,and so mad about Buffy who`s only thought is "to fix things"...Lovely chapter,I really like to se the loving side of Dawn as well
yep, it's tough on both of them, though...buffy wants to make it right, but it's gonna take time :(

09/10/2006 12:05 pm
He's going to need alot of time, isn't he? Buffy should understand some of what he's going threw. She went threw the same thing with Angel/Angelus, but Angelus didn't torture her and try to killer on several occasions like the slayer did. Poor Spike, I hate that he's still being tormented even now. I see that the Ripper has come out to play! Great chapter, wonderful story, thanks for the update.
yeah, it's very similar to what she went through, but buffy's the kind of person who wants to fix things, wants to know what to *do* now, to make it right again...and this just wont work that way...and yes, ripper is about to have his fun :)

09/10/2006 11:55 am
Great chapter! It would be nice if there was a demon psycho-therapist, cause Spike sure needs one! I'm so glad he has Joyce and Dawn.
he could definitely use some help getting through this...

09/10/2006 11:16 am
He's still being a punk *pouts*
i disagree, pet...after all he's been through, forced through most of it to just keep his mouth shut and take whatever abuse came his way -- i think he deserves a little bit of distance....

09/10/2006 11:08 am
::wipes tears:: Poor Spike. Giles and Buffy still seem to have a few things they need to learn. Thank God for Joyce and Dawn. ::sniff::
yeah, they don't understand what this is like for least he does have some support :)

09/10/2006 07:49 am
There are hardly words to describe how this story makes me feel especially this chapter. The only think I could come up with was heartwrenching. Simply brilliant.
thanx so much, so glad that you're enjoying it...your kind words flatter me :)

09/10/2006 06:37 am
that was heartbreaking and painful and tender and beautiful all at once!
i loved this story...more please. :)
thanx, glad you liked :)

09/10/2006 06:08 am
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I hope these two work it out. I know this is horrible of me, but I can't remember, has spike claimed buffy back or did she just claim him? If he's claimed her back at least that's something on the road to healing because they would be equals then. If not, maybe Buffy could let him do that. But I know it's your story and you likely already know what you're gonna do. ;)
he claimed her was necessary for the ritual to go off properly...they're gonna have to work at this, it won't be easy :(