Feathers and Forked Tongues by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Buried Deep

09/15/2006 06:51 am
Well done :)
Thank you!

09/14/2006 06:56 am
Are they going to never-never land? I hope they take Meret for protection and advance warning of Captain Hook's presence. How do you like my response to the cliffie? More story please.
Curses! Now I shall have to reoutline the entire fic! Why do you have to ruin my surprises?! ;-)

09/13/2006 09:06 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.Poor Spike,with the nightmares after he was first risen.
Thank you! The chapters (or is it my school schedule?) are kind of kicking my butt, but I'll be updating as quickly as I can.

09/13/2006 05:30 pm
I wonder how much of Spikes thoughts and feelings Buffy is picking up thanks to Meret. As for the plot....it is so very intriguing! The trouble that is brewing is scary to think of with that much magical power afloat. Lovely update (how very Spike to be musing on near kisses even at times of peril!).

Buffy kisses, impending death, Buffy kisses, impending death... Yeah, I know which one he'd obsess over. ;-) Maybe the impending death will catch his attenion in future chapters. Thanks for reviewing!

09/13/2006 03:05 pm
The images the come to mind are kinda cute (summons using Very Berry Glitter Gloss) WOOO wait morphing to Anya cousins. Great imagery in this chapter and what triggered the memory. Great Chapter
Thank you! This chapter was a fun one to write.

09/13/2006 09:24 am
Actually, the goddess of drunken sorority sluts might come to the call of berry lip gloss, lmao
And there's you've just given away my whole plot. Darn you!

09/13/2006 05:34 am
If I haven't told you that I LOVE your sense of humor before now, let me remedy that situation right now. I love your sense of humor! Eerie, weird stuff there at the end of the chapter. You can't resist giving us these little clues and then just leaving us hanging, can you? lol Can't wait for you to give us some more. :)
XD Nope, I have no self control in such matters. I like stringing out my wacky plot, it gives more room for humor. Glad you're liking that too. Thanks!

09/13/2006 05:14 am
No mystical powers worth their weight in spit would respond to a summons using Very Berry Glitter Gloss.


You have no idea how freaking true that is -- and now many dipshit wannabees have tried something very similar. . .
People can be so silly. ;-) I wondered who that line would strike a chord with. Thanks!

09/13/2006 04:17 am
Great chapter. I love Spike's memory of his reawakening . You painted a very visual picture.
I love digging into Spike's past, and I'm happy my take on it is going over well. Thanks!