Angels and Demons by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 4.06

01/18/2018 05:43 pm
I'm pretty sure I mentioned before in a comment - but using Xander as the Best Case & Reason for taking the moral high ground works great.  Another alternative would be to simply asked the warrior spirit if he would help them fight against the First Evil and then return him to his people to fulfill his role as His Peoples' Guardian.  But, Xander's reason and choice, it's probably the best as humans and demons, spirits and other supernatural beings must depnd on themselves for this world saving power struggle. 

09/01/2007 03:20 am
leave it to Xander to be the voice of reason.
Lol! Not normally. Ninety nine percent of the time Xander's the last person I'd expect reason from, but just this once he got it right.


09/14/2006 09:59 pm
good read, thank you. xander being logically and morally correct, priceless. giles does not bear up well in comparison.
Even Xander eventually has to get something right... and Giles was a member of the council for all those years. It has to have an effect.

Thanks again!

09/14/2006 04:45 am
i'm seeing xander through new eyes as well, now...that was pretty cool of him...great chapter, love :)
Lol... I'm so nice I even let Xander have a good moment or two...

Thanks, honey!

09/13/2006 10:42 pm
Wonderful chapter - i love xander's speech. He had the whole rationale down right and as the heart saw it as it should be seen. What if it was Buffy - what would they want done? Great chapter and excellant points
Thanks, honey! Yep, even Xander gets to do good occasionally.

Glad you liked it.

09/13/2006 10:05 pm
Xander was never finer.
Lol! Well given how bad he is on average it doesn't take much but, yeah, this was definitely one of his finer moments.

Thanks, honey!