Strip Snap by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 22 Not Your Girl

05/31/2010 01:49 pm

10/13/2006 04:09 am
Might have known you were going to pull a trick. Love the whole Spike/William interplay. It's terrific.

09/23/2006 04:14 am
wonderful read, thank you.

09/22/2006 09:18 am
Spike and William were just so much fun together, I really enjoyed their conversations. Loved the imagery of the two of them walking side by side down the darkened street. Can't wait to find out how the closing line of the charm plays out. Fantastic chapter!
thank you so much for reading and reviewing. Glad you’re enjoying the story.

09/22/2006 08:04 am
Read this at your LJ, but wanted to make another comment. I loved how Spike has no regrets, none what's so ever that he was turned. He relished what Dru gave him but will William feel the a same way now that he's tasted the sunshine that he know's will be his one day and tolerate the life he'll have to make with Dru in the mean time? Just love this fantasic fic. Thanks.
thanks for taking the time to comment twice. Much appreciated. Yes, William is going to have a lot to think about when he goes home. if he does!

09/22/2006 03:35 am
It didn't work? Well, that was a waste....Now what?

Our boys are a riot.
they’ve got a little more work to do on that pesky charm! Like reading it properly.

09/22/2006 03:03 am
LMAO at Spike and William arguing. Now we know why Spike talks to himself all the time. Great update.
Spike would argue with his reflection if he had one! Thanks for reviewing.

09/22/2006 12:55 am
so why didn't it work?? hmm....i love the spike/william interaction...very well done...

09/21/2006 11:47 pm
I can't wait to see how you will put back William into Spike. And I love the fact that Buffy realises that she loves Spike.
Yes, it’s certainly going to be complicated. ‘Runs away with head in hands!’

09/21/2006 11:15 pm
Oh no, what went wrong with the spell. I loved the interaction between Spike and William and enjoyed the picture of Spike stealing the ring while William helps a customer through the door. Thanks so much for the update, I am really looking forward to finding out what went wrong with the spell.
Yes, must admit I liked the feeling of that little vignette! I could just picture it so clearly. As for the spell, well, remember the last line of the charm?,,,,,

09/21/2006 10:48 pm
Nice moment shared by the boys.
I thought it was important to work out their feelings for each other/themselves if you see what I mean!

09/21/2006 09:49 pm
Oh no! You're evil! Great update and I hope to see another very soon.
Thank you for commenting. Glad you’re enjoying the story. Hope to update soon.

09/21/2006 09:05 pm
eck! on no! what went wrong? great update!
thank you for reading.