Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: What He Deserves

09/25/2006 09:23 pm
oh you can't stop there - unfair *chants more more more* great chappie
lol...more soon, pet :)

09/25/2006 08:20 pm
Oh my, oh my. You do like to throw in those last-minute swerves when we're not expecting them, don't you?
oh yes, of course i do :)

09/25/2006 05:00 pm
Spike really showed what type of man he was when he let Angel go. And Angelous never learns. He is out of his league with Buffy and Spike being mated. But I am glad that Spike is going to be able to face and look down at the person who did all of that to him.
yeah, spike's a better person than angelus was...he's not as controlling or dominating, and therefore doesn't feel the need to do to angelus what he did to him...though angelus just might push it too far...

09/25/2006 07:23 am
great chapter, thank you for the fantastic read.
you're very welcome, and thank *you* :)

09/25/2006 03:11 am
Great fight. I'd love to see this filmed.
thanx :)

09/24/2006 06:35 pm
hmmm... what DOES angel "deserve"? I don't really know at this point.
You've got me so twisted up about what Spike should do that...well, like Buffy, I'm just gonna have to watch and see what happens!! I hope the wait isn't too long! :)
well, in my opinion, he deserves whatever spike decides to dish out...after all, angel is responsible for angelus' mistakes, in my opinion...they're one and the same...but that's just me.. :)

09/24/2006 05:55 pm
Love it! I just want Spike to be the better MAN
of course ;)

09/24/2006 01:56 pm
Damn, he unleashed Angelus! Wow, good for Spike, now he can get the revenge he deserves. The only bad thing is, Buffy's got to look at him too. I hope he puts an dominance claim on him since it would upset Buffy to see him dusted. Great chapter, fantastic read, thanks.
yep....but there may be another solution...thanx :)

09/24/2006 10:11 am
Even better!!!Incredible chapter.
thanx :)

09/24/2006 07:40 am

09/24/2006 07:19 am
Go Spike, Go! Bite him, make him pay! Of course he will taste horrible, but it will be worth it. I'm thinking the dominance claim is justly deserved.
lol...yeah, angel deserves whatever he gets :)

09/24/2006 06:50 am
GO SPIKE! *cheers with pompoms*

lol... :)

09/24/2006 04:01 am
I absolutely love it! Great jpb, I didn't know how you were going to pull this one off. Loved when Spike questions who Angel is more upset about losing claim over. Terrific. very well done. Can't wait to see the rest.
thanx so much, glad you liked that bit...because really angel is losing twice in all this...

09/24/2006 04:00 am
Intense! Not to mention kinda evil, leaving us with another cliffie. Want more - soon, please?
lol...soon, pet :)

09/24/2006 02:13 am
Bloody marvellous chapter! Angel is excelling himself.
thanx :)

09/24/2006 01:48 am
i hope the brings angel under a dominance claim. I know he's got enough control not to lord it over him, but he could order him to stay away from them.
yeah, that could work...we'll see what happens...

09/24/2006 01:33 am
Hmm...not sure what I want now, lol. I was hoping Angel would let it go, when he was trying to....oh, well....rather not see him dead, though...don't mind anything else Spike has up his sleeve.
yeah, angel kinda messed things up for himself this time :)