A Night at the Beach by SciFi_GK
Chapter: A Night at the Beach

07/03/2010 02:26 pm

10/05/2006 01:50 pm
Wow - really great! I like the blood vision. I hope you write more in this universe. THanks!
Thank you. Yeah, I don't know where that blood vision came from but I'm sure glad I ran with it. :-)

The plan is to have more, so keep an eye out for them. Just be patient, k? 'cause I have 2 other WIP's I must make strides on.


10/02/2006 12:48 pm
Pretty sure that'd make me see things in a different light too!!!
Ya think? LOL. Thanks for reading. :-D

10/01/2006 11:53 pm
great story! very hot, I love it when they fight before sex.

10/01/2006 11:53 pm
great story! very hot, I love it when they fight before sex.

10/01/2006 11:53 pm
great story! very hot, I love it when they fight before sex.

10/01/2006 11:52 pm
great story! very hot, I love it when they fight before sex.
:-) Thank you. Don't you think it just gets the blood pumping? I really think they revel in it.

Appreciate the review (um, x 4, okay? LOL)


10/01/2006 02:13 am
Oh, man that was HOT! Great job. Not a Spike/Buffy shipper but damn, girl, you write good! :D
WHAT?! NOT a Buffy/Spike shipper?! OMG!

Bwah ha ha, just kidding, Squirl. :-D

Thanks for your comments cause, you know, we LIVE for them. :-) And **cracking whip** break down that wall on YOUR fic, you!


09/28/2006 09:12 pm
Excellent sequel. Loved it. You know you could get a whole series going on with this. hint hint. *grin* Wether you choose to continue it or not, I loved it. Keep up the excellent writing.
Thank you! And there will be more, so be on the look out for it.

And, keep up the excellent reviewing! LOL. I know **we** (me and Muse) LOVE it.


09/28/2006 03:34 am
wonderful read,, thank you
I LOVE reviews. Thanks!

09/27/2006 05:11 am
I hope you realize that there HAS TO BE a sequel to this sequel...right???!!!!! Must have a sequel!
LOL. You're so funny. Thank you. I'm working on two other WIP right now, but whenever I get an itch to skip straight to the smut, pull up a new doc and start working on the next one (which ALWAYS turns into an actual fic, instead of PWP, DAG GUM IT! LOL). So...you can be pretty sure of a sequel. Keep looking for it.

09/26/2006 01:18 pm
Um - wouldn't call this smut. I'd call a wonderful glimpse of might-have-been and very well done. *runs off to find the first one*
Oh, come on! This is smut. Okay, well, it's the closest I can get to smut. LOL. My betas call it "Romantic smut". Does that help?

If a story with your smut doesn't bother you, you can look for more in the future. :-)

09/26/2006 10:55 am
Like two sides of a coin. The smut was the same but everything else was opposite. Thank you for making this sequel. Spike was always there to help her, even in her dreams. Wonderful fic. don't know if you can do anything else except have them meet again in SunnyD, that might be good too. So happy that your trying to work on, Who am I? It's been a while. Great read, thanks.
Thank you! Oh, I am thinking there will be more **BG**. I have 48 more prompts to go. LOL.

About WaI?, I'm at a brick wall done 4 or 5 rewrites so far but am still not happy with it. Just so you know, it's not been abandoned. It's just kicking my butt right now! LOL.

Thanks again.

09/26/2006 09:33 am
Great story, I liked it very much, hope there'll be another part. Please?
Thank you! I am actually planning on more. After all, I have 48 more prompts from my 50_smutlets lj commmunity! LOL. I just have to make some progress on my 2 WIP's.

09/26/2006 07:47 am
Oh so good. I found myself holding my breath so I wouldn’t miss anything they were saying to each other once they stopped fighting. Their reaction to each other and Spike bringing her back to herself as well as her really seeing him was just beautiful. Thank you so much for this sequel and I really hope that you decide to eventually do another one.
Wow, to have a reader **that** involved is what I live for as a writer. Thank you so much.

More is planned. ;-)

09/26/2006 05:20 am
awwww nice. :)
Thank you :-)

09/26/2006 05:19 am
awwww nice. :)
Thank you. :-)

09/26/2006 05:12 am
that was very hot, very moving..i'd love to see this little series continued, see how these *dreams* affect future events...excellent job, pet :)
Thanks! I'm looking forward to their first meeting in person after as well. :-) Of course it won't be smooth sailing for them...where's the fun in *that*!?


09/26/2006 04:30 am
Interesting take! The vision was a nice touch, too.

And awwwww.....!
Thanks. Yeah, I don't know where that came from, actually. All of a sudden, BAM, she wanted to KNOW. And, don't you think Spike would have wanted that, too? I mean, didn't that ponce, Dracula, want it? LOL. And then it was "away we go"!


09/26/2006 03:44 am
Good sequel and follow up. Are there possibly more in this series to be written?
My inention is to write all the 50 prompts following this kind of AU premise and build them up, weaving them into the actual canon. So...I guess, yeah, they'll be more. Glad you liked it.