Black, White And The Grey In Between by PassionFish
Chapter: Chapts 6 - 8b

02/24/2014 04:19 pm

Godd so far, but I wish there were more.    I enjoyed the idea of Spike & Buffy teaming up for real, rather than just long enough to stop Angelus.   Never much liked Angel/Angelus anyway, not even in the show.   Too big, too broody, too broad.    Spike is a much better fit for Buffy; closer in stature and build, and a much brighter personality for her.    Angel's brooding was a downer, while Spike (although "dead") was much more alive.   You caught that quality for me.

Thank you for sharing your talent with the rest of us.

08/29/2008 08:48 pm
OMGOMGOMG MORE PLEASE! I loooooovvvveeed it! seriously. it was perfect. moremoremoremore! it's soooo sweet and perfect! I need more! pleeeaasssee hurryyyy

05/30/2007 05:45 am
I have always loved this story. Keep up the great work.

02/16/2007 08:53 am
Really loving this. Hope you're planning to continue.

10/07/2006 05:44 am
lovely read, thank you. sweet and tender and reality comes charging back way too soon, i'll bet.

10/05/2006 01:43 pm
I am really enjoying this and I love how you tell the story through their thoughts.

10/02/2006 01:12 pm
Spike is behaving like a true gent, isn't he? I think they need to clear the air.!

10/02/2006 03:37 am
I like this story so far. It is something different and it is very refreshing. Lovely start. Looking forward to where you are going to take it.

10/02/2006 02:08 am
Their together and happy! Can't ask for anything better. Angelus in hell or dusted? What happened to Dru. Spike should be able to feel her somehow, wonder what happened to her? Cute that Buffy's jealous of Dru, that means she does really care about him. Thanks PF, waiting for them to return to SunnyD and her friends and family. Excellent fic, thanks for the read.

10/01/2006 11:23 pm
Lovely! Looking forward to more. Thanks!

10/01/2006 10:13 pm
awwww...this is so sweet and tender between it...a kind of dream like quality to this fic :)
Thank you :) I know just what you mean; I get that feeling when I write it - like I go into a's very strange!