Through Time to Me by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 3 All the World’s a Stage

10/19/2006 06:06 pm
oh i like this - very intriguing I can't wait to see what you do next!

10/11/2006 04:48 am
deceit must be part of the travers family motto. very good read, thank you.

10/09/2006 04:40 am
Spike’s joy at being in the presence of Will was so sweet. I loved the insight Maria has towards Travers and that she filled Spike in on the spell.

10/08/2006 03:51 am
Of course you do know that the real author of the plays was a woman? Really, I can't see how you can wrap this all up in only one more chapter.
Well, if everyone wants it, I might add an epilogue. But only one more proper chp. Posting that very soon. Hope you like it.

10/08/2006 01:07 am
Treachery must be ingrained in the Travers' genes. What harm could it do if they knew? She's not going to give up or try and change anything. Oh there's only one more chapter? It must be a long one, alot of things to happen and what their relationship will be upon return.Sorry to see this end already, it's just begun. Great read, thanks.
yes, only one more chp. but am writing an epilogue as I’ve had losts of people asking for one!
Hope you like last chp. Posting soon.

10/07/2006 10:44 am
Wonderful chapter! Loved Buffy's musings. I also enjoyed Spike's interaction with everyone. Can't wait to find out how everything turns out.
So pleased you are enjoying this Tudor romp. Last chp will be up soon.

10/07/2006 08:18 am
Travers is in on it!!!

10/07/2006 07:52 am
sent back to shakespeare huh? great, hope spike tells buffy cause im sure he caught on. great story.
Well, if he doesn’t tell her, I don’t think she’s going to work it out for herself!

10/07/2006 04:57 am
Very atmospheric - love all the neat historical details. It's so sweet that Spike's in seventh heaven being there with William Shakespeare. I guess we all knew that there was bad blood in that Travers family. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thank you for reviewing. So pleased you are enjoying the story. Next chp up soon.

10/07/2006 03:36 am
wow...i just got it...who will is... :) great job, pet...this story is amazing...and i think they *want* maria to get killed, don't they? and summon a new slayer? looks like all traverses are forward to the end :)
Yes, the job and the evil mind obviously run through the family gene pool. And watch out in next chp for the same thing......

10/07/2006 02:13 am

10/07/2006 01:54 am
That's so cool that you put Will, the famous, in here!

10/07/2006 12:55 am
What a romp - Buffy in doublet and hose!