By the Emerald Light by redwulf and Spikeskat
Chapter: Ch. 3

04/17/2007 03:37 am
Okay, at first I decided I wasn't going to read this. But I have a five year old son who just loves the Justice League. So being a mom I watch the show with him. Let me just say that I laughed my ass off when I read that Vandal Savage was The Immortal. After having read what is here so far all I can say is ... More Please!

10/10/2006 09:25 pm
fun read, thank you. now, on to "After that, all hell broke loose."

10/10/2006 03:52 am
Okay yeah, I want to know what happens, and I'm really interested in what your version of hell breaking loose is going to be, but mostly this fic is just making me grin. The style and humor are great! I'm hooked, and I only have the most passing knowledge of the JL 'verse.

10/09/2006 10:03 pm
I just read someone elses comment about the possibility of Buffy becoming a JL member. (It would be so funny if the JL had to tell her that she might be alright as a 'sidekick' for Spike, but she wasn't really someone the JL could use as a member.) ;)

Harry 4Eyes
10/09/2006 05:37 pm
OK so I don't have a clue about the yellow thingy that you have going, don't really read Comics and i've only watched a few JLA cartoons, nearly all centred around the Green Lantern and the winged girl surprisingly.

So Yellow is damaging to the Green Lantern? Should be interesting battle specially with Spikes Vampire powers thrown into the mix, hey wonder is the green power of the key is linked to the green power of the lantern?

Anyway interesting idea.
Update soon

10/09/2006 12:00 pm
This is so interesting and fun. I am really enjoying it and am looking forward to the next update.

10/09/2006 03:29 am
great update! eck! oh no! hope they get to her in time!

10/08/2006 12:38 pm stopping there was just cruel...MORE - please *jack whimpers*

10/08/2006 11:47 am
great chapter :)

10/08/2006 08:44 am
Cliffhangers are very naughty. Bad wulf! Bad, bad Wulf!

10/08/2006 07:46 am
Another great update, two in one day!!!

Buffy hasn't changed much, first you kiss him, then you punch him. ;) She should have punched Angel (but no kissage).

Loved when Buffy told J'onn that Spike was only half as rude as normal to him, so Spike must like him.

It must be a Summers women thing, just like Buffy, Dawn hugs Spike and then she tries to hit him. (Or maybe it's just Spike, cause Dawn didn't hit Angel.)

:) Can't wait for all hell to break loose!!!

10/08/2006 07:40 am
great chapter

10/08/2006 06:41 am

Oh oh, is she going to join the Justice League too? LoL, "The Slayer"

10/08/2006 05:59 am
Buffy, Buffy, Buffy...::shakes head::: Dumb move girl, dumb move.
BTW-I love your crossovers. =)

10/08/2006 05:27 am
Oh, I can tell Kat's working on this one - evil cliffhangers here we come!