Feathers and Forked Tongues by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Murphy's Law

11/17/2006 10:01 am
wonderful read and a great last line, thank you.
That's our boy! Thanks!

11/16/2006 05:48 pm
great chapter :D
Thank you!

11/16/2006 03:14 am
A new chapter calls for a happy dance. Love how you keep adding pieces to the puzzle while still keeping up with all the non-stop action. And I really like the way you have Spike gradually coming to the realization that he actually has come to consider the scoobies to be his friends as well as Buffy's. Looking forward to the next update. :)
I'll make a full-fledged white hat out of him yet! ;-) Thank you!

11/16/2006 01:17 am
Great action but ouchie what a great cliff hanger really really need more
More's up. Thanks! I love writing action scenes, so it's really good to hear that they come out well on the reading end of things too.

11/16/2006 12:40 am
Oh noes.... what has happened?
I'm getting there... Slowly... ;-) Thanks!

11/15/2006 09:58 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.Ew, creepy birds.
Creepy? Creepy was what I was going for, so yay! ;-) Thanks!

11/15/2006 06:40 pm
Love this story. Looking forward to more.

11/15/2006 05:39 pm
Mictlantechutli? Um... am are we suppose to know him? Anyway loved the first line. Spike and his plans!
Yup, let's see... Chapter 21 of ILwS, and Chapters 6, 7, and 12, with a few other brief mentions in FaFT. Then again, those chapters were written months ago... Lord, I need to get back on track! Thank you!

11/15/2006 04:50 pm
snort...that's our boy at times, Deeply Stupid with the best of intentions! Excellent update. Wonderful incorporation of the fairy tale starlings too!

Why let something time consuming like thinking get in the way when there's brawling to be had? ;-) Thanks!

11/15/2006 04:47 pm
Evil undead birds? And I thought the Build-A-Bear store was terrifying. I'm eagerly anticipating more of this story--I love the characterization and the warped sense of humor.
Is it bad that having my humor called warped makes me grin like a madwoman? XD I'm glad you're liking it! Thank you!

11/15/2006 03:11 pm
Way to leave a cliffhanger. Now I'll be waiting even more anxiously for the next update. This one was excellent, as always, by the way. Can't wait for more.
Thank you! I do need to lay off the cliffies before one of you just offs me in frustration.