Born To Be My Baby by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Three

02/24/2007 02:00 pm
Yeah! She chose Spike and with little effort. Guess the next chater is for the NC-17 rating. Boy is she going to be surprised at the difference between the two vampires. Thanks for writing this, it's been fun.
Yeah, I've had a good time writing vamp Buffy. I'm surprised, but pleased.

12/02/2006 04:02 pm
Yay, Spike isn't going to leave. Yay, angel is leaving.
Great update.

11/28/2006 09:02 pm
Loved ti :D

11/22/2006 11:19 am
I'm just hoping Angel doesn't do the "la la just strolling through town...Oh! Look! I'm at Buffy's window, might as well crawl in" in a last minute attempt to get her to change her mind. Because Spike always seems to have impeccable timing to see *exactly* the wrong thing to interpret in the worst possible way.
True, he does. But no worries. Angel is off pouting, ATM.:)

11/22/2006 06:47 am
hehe. Very nice. I love Joyce calling angel "that other vampire" and I love your author's note lol.
LOL Thanks!

11/22/2006 05:31 am
Woot!!! can't wait for more! I'm excited..yay.

Great story. Your writing style kicks ass. Keep up the good work.
Thank you so much!

11/22/2006 05:14 am
LOL!!! ... call me crazy, but this feels like an evil cliffhanger to me. :-)

Still, 2 new chapters basically back to back -- wheeee!
Hee! It's really not meant to be - but there seems to be a general consensus that something is afoot.

11/21/2006 11:32 pm
great chapter
thank you -:)

11/21/2006 11:23 pm
We certainly don't mind the spamming.

Why would Angel think that Buffy would need to learn from him how to be a souled vampire? After all, she hasn't got centuries of evil deeds to feel remorse about . And what does he think he'll do about that perfect happiness clause? He's completely clueless.
I guess he thinks a vamped Buffy won't make him all that I'm pretty sure a Buffy in love with Spike is definitely going to make him unhappy! He's just being arrogant, as usual.

11/21/2006 11:22 pm
very good update, thank you. will “that other vampire” actually leave with out being beaten or dusted?
Thank you - it remains to be seen what he decides to do...if he stays, being beaten or dusted is obviously a strong possibility. Not really in his best interest, is it? :)

11/21/2006 11:10 pm
I liked how Joyce told Buffy she was happy that Spike was staying, and her daughter finally opening her eyes and knowing she loved him. Angeling hating all the way! Go Joyce.

Can I just say, Angel is so full of himself. You need a mate with a soul. Oh, like that worked out so well. Can we get some Angel Dust? lol He was only leaving for LA cause of Spike? Idiot! Can't wait for more. SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, away!
More calling for Angel dust - sigh. Poor vamp just can't catch a break from you guys. lol

11/21/2006 10:41 pm
Good Work.

11/21/2006 08:45 pm
i love the way you write their relationship and hope angel's actually leaving, though i have a feeling he's going to try to make more trouble for them, isn't he? :( great chapter, thouhg :)
Thank you - I had planned for Angel to leave, but everyone seems to suspect him of some sort of skuldugery, so I many have to do a sequel to the sequel. lol

11/21/2006 06:23 pm
Why do I fear that Angel isn't gone yet and that Spike might not be at the crypt????? Love this sequel, hon. Nice teenaged Buffy (although much smarter....must be the vampire portion of the new improved model...not as taken in by Angel).

Well, I always thought that Buffy was a bit too forgiving of Angel's almost drainage of her. My Buffy is smarter. lol Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

11/21/2006 01:39 pm
Hehe, spam away. I've been green with jelousy ever since C told me she had seen all but that last chapter of this anyway, so you sure as hell won't hear me complaining over speedy updates.

Angel was really an idiot in this, sooo glad Buffy figured that out rather fast. I mean really, "teach her how to deal with the soul"? That doesn't make any sense. All his "dealing" with it have to do with his guilt. Buffy didn't spend 150 years killing people, why would she deal with it the same way. Only difference to being human as far as she's concerned, are her changed body, and maybe a slightly stronger tendancy towards violence - although if that's really changed from when she was the slayer, who knows.

There will be more right? Soon? Sorry, I'm impatient. LOL
There will be more tomorrow - too tired to update successfully tonight.
Yeah, Angel's pretty much his usual over-bearing self here.