The Hunt by spikegirl7
Chapter: chap 3

01/05/2007 08:07 am
Spike has become bolder since his last visit. This is what he want's, but I'd be worried about the scoobies and Willow. There's still so much that can go wrong for him. I'm glad that he claimed her though. Love the way he seems to just magically appear and disappear, lends to him being more powerful and mysterious. Excellent fic, thanks.

12/13/2006 09:00 am
You believe in dominant male figures and think Spike has that kind of personality? Oh boy, prepare for many reviewers to give you a hard time because they seem to have blocked out Spike's less fluffy puppy side. It's odd, I like it when Spike takes control sometimes (submissive Spike can be hot too), but I have no tolerance for that in real life. I know it's not my place, but I don't think letting "your man" be the boss of you is a good thing. Girl Power. Rowrrr! LOL.
*shrugs* not for everyone i guess. i like my lot very much but it's not for everyone. and i think that later in the story i show fluffier spike. just hold on for a while.

12/02/2006 02:10 am
very good read, thank you. bonus praise for angel being beaten, major praise bonus, including kissing of feet, if you dust him.
would it surprise you that i am not an Angel hater? i just don't like him with Buffy. And this is what works in the confines of this story. But you're gonna be happy with the upcoming chapters.

12/01/2006 05:30 am
Wow, looks like Spike and Angelus had personality transfers. I really don't understand what you're doing but I hope it works. At the moment, it's painfully OOC and the plot is rather cliched.
i don't believe that Spike here is Out Of Character. This isn't whupped puppy Spike from Season 5, this is the Spike that shows up in Season 2, who is strong, confident, and very sure of himself. Fresh from the world, hasn't been wrecked by the Initiative and all those problems Spike. i think that this is what Spike would do IN THIS SITUATION which has NOT BEEN FULLY REVEALED at this point.

11/30/2006 05:28 pm
Your first fic? It really starts off well. I like and will be waiting impatiently for updates. Keep up the good work.

11/30/2006 07:39 am
Intriguing story yet not a very likeable Spike. I'm not sure how one can ever trust emotions that have been coerced. Then again, maybe for this Spike control over her is enough. Looking forward to where you go with this...

11/29/2006 02:02 pm
A really good story so far. I'm excited to see how the plot will progress. Please update soon and look forward to reading more.

11/29/2006 12:57 pm
grrr...i dont like the way he's treating her, very frustrating..i'd love to see her get the upper hand at some point, even briefly...excellent fic, very intriguing...loving it and looking forward to more :)
Spike? okay, i believe in dominant male figures, that's what i prefer (my own relationship has a dominant male figure) and that's how i see Spike's personality. i'm posting more as we speak.

11/29/2006 07:46 am
I like your story. The plot is good. Potential for many twists and turns. I have been looking for a story with claiming and a dominant spike in the plot. There just seems to be too many stories of a beaten down spike with buffy playing the eternal &^&$&^!
Do you have a beta? I did notice a lot of typo errors. Kinda hard to read smoothly when tripping over misspelled or not completely finished words. Not flameing you!!
just trying to be helpful. I do like the story and hope to read more. I am very curious as to where you will take it. Can I make a request? Please have a purring spike!! I love purring vampires! Keep up the good work.
this story is already finished and done. it's been moved from a lot of servers so there are some errors, mainly from where letters overlapped. and yes, i like dominant Spike too, it'll come out more later.

11/29/2006 06:28 am
Enjoying this one. Can't wait for more.

11/29/2006 03:58 am
This is quite good. I'm anxious to read what Spike has to say to Giles and the gang.
chap 4 is what you've been waiting for (i think)