Feathers and Forked Tongues by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Sleep Like The Dead

12/02/2006 02:34 am
very good chapter, thank you.

12/01/2006 04:41 am
I don't understand how you can mix humor and cryptic mystical stuff together and make it work, but I'm sure glad that you do. Lovely chapter. Looking forward to more. :)
I'm glad the blend is working, because man is it fun to write! Thanks!

12/01/2006 02:04 am
cocoa with a god could only be written for Spike. Love this
I ran across that cocoa factoid a while ago while researching for this story, and it was too funny to pass up! Thanks for reviewing!

11/30/2006 04:13 am
Poor Spike... and evil Dawn *swat*
Hee! But evil in a good way I hope! Thanks for reviewing!

11/29/2006 11:06 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.At first I didn't get the line about Dawn & Dawn arriving at the same time and figured it was a typo,but then I realized that it meant the sun rising and the person coming back.
Yup, I was being coy and it might have backfired a little. People keep thinking it's a typo. Oh well, it was funny at the time... Thanks for the review!

11/29/2006 05:05 pm
Continuing to love this story and delight in each new chapter. Looking forward to seeing what happens with this upcoming spell.
Spell chapter's up! I hope it matches the buildup. Thanks!

11/29/2006 02:23 pm
Love this story. Just love it. :)

11/29/2006 01:43 pm
I can imagine Spike and the god drinking. Great story, hope you'll update soon.
Hee! That scene was too weird to not include. Glad you liked the idea. Thanks!

11/29/2006 08:05 am
Sounds like Willow's finally learning to think things through, magically speaking. I like the "spray bottle of sleep"--it's way more practical than trying to get someone to swallow something without waking up and probably safer than the Buffy method of knuckles to the temple.
I've been slowly trying to nudge Willow in that direction for a while now, but she's only recently started cooperating with me. ;-) Thanks for the review!