Chirality by yutamiyu
Chapter: III

06/10/2007 05:49 am
I have only read upto chapter 3 and can truly say yes I like this version of an alternate change . Have read another version similar but so far this one has the emotion behind it to bring a few tears to my eyes so GOOD on you. Spike will always make an excellent hero. Superb writing
Wow! Thank you so much!

02/16/2007 06:34 am
Stupid Dawn- take a third slayer, and then commit suicide, coincidentally saving the word. Again, stupid... and I'm disappointed at Giles- thought he would've figured it out. But to be fair, he didn't figure it out in canon either.
He didn't, did he? I think it all has to do with who is running on the most adrenaline...and Buffy was definitely it.

01/10/2007 12:15 pm
Know wonder Dawn was so cold over his death, she didn't understand the sacrifice. Buffy understands now. Glad she found his duster, but don't know how she's going to get him back with no body. Good work, Thanks for sharing.
It's a problem, isn't it? Resurrection with no body...thanks for reading!

12/31/2006 06:40 am
Nice look at a post-Gift, spikeless world. I like that Dawn is angry with Spike; it's a flashback (forward?) to season 7 and her threat to set him on fire. Very in character!

Also loved Buffy's epiphany. Not to overdone; I have trouble with stories that make it too easy. You are hitting the right balance here!
I'm so glad you think so. :) Thank you for reading and reviewing!

12/07/2006 10:59 pm
I wonder how it is that noone had figured out yet that Spike's drinking from Buffy was what allowed him to close the portal. It's not like anybody's blood could have done it and they already established that Dawn was made from her. Seems like Giles at least would have reached this conclusion. I think Dawn is just being obstinate rather than admit her pain and loss over Spike being gone. Much in the same manner that Buffy cradled his duster but refused to cry over his death.
I think they've all been through a lot; it's easy to overlook the obvious answers. And you're partially right about Dawn; her anger isn't true anger, which is why she has given it up easily. I'm glad you're still keeping up with the story.

12/07/2006 10:30 am
I'd forgotten that Buffy only made the blood connection at the last minute - you've worked it in very well. Good Dawn too -- the usual pain in the ass.
Thank you!

12/04/2006 10:08 pm
very good read, thank you. am surprised dawn didn't figure it out before buffy. not surprised the clueless watcher didn't.
At the end of the day, Dawn is a fourteen-year-old girl, letting her emotions get the best of her. I think if she wasn't distracted by her anger at Spike, she would have figured it out fairly quickly. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

12/04/2006 07:27 pm
This is what happens when I take a short holiday and don't turn on my computer, I miss an extraordinary chapter. This chapter really pulled on the heartstrings without getting too weepy. I really look forward to every chapter you post.
Aw, thank you! Chapter four is about halfway done, so look for it around...Wednesday, I think. Thanks for reading!

12/04/2006 04:41 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.Dawn should know that he sacrificied himself for them.Stupid Dawn.I love Dawn of course.I shouldn't even be on now as I should be in school,but I'm sick and I'm all NyQuiled up.
NyQuil is some powerful stuff. :) You take care of yourself, and thanks for keeping up with the story!

12/04/2006 05:50 am
For once Buffy's a little faster to figure things out than the rest of the Scoobies. Nice to see that for a change.
It's a nice change, isn't it? :) Thanks for reading!

12/04/2006 03:50 am
This is really, really good. I have read stories like it but I havent been much interested in them, but this one is really well done.

I like that they dont immediatly know why exactly he drinks from Buffy, and that it doesnt make Buffy suddenly fall in love or realize her love for him. Thats what sets your fic apart from the others.
Thank you so much! I will say that in chapter four, they begin to realize why he drank from Buffy (rather than Dawn), and things between Dawn and Spike will smooth out a bit. I hope you keep up with this, and thank you for reading!

12/03/2006 11:42 pm
So the big question on my mind at least is if/how/when/why etc. will Spike come back? I'm on pins and needles! I would learn to cook for your muse and soul.
I don't know. Do people really WANT me to bring Spike back? :P Of course he's coming back; it's just going to take a while. After all, I couldn't rightly call this "Spuffy" if he didn't come back! Well, I suppose I could, but that's just too depressing. And you'd cook for my muse? My muse is a pretty fickle eater...let's talk. :) Thanks for reading and reviewing!

12/03/2006 10:13 pm
I'm enjoying the story so far. I'm just wondering what Buffy will do next or if she can fix this.
You'll just have to wait and see! I'm working on chapter four at the moment, smoothing out things between Buffy and Dawn. Thank you for reading!

12/03/2006 04:01 pm
I like it. And just so you know, all of the "spike dies" stories I've seen were short vignettes only.
I'm glad you're enjoying it. And maybe that's good to know; I don't have to compete with any multi-chapter "Spike jumps" stories :P Thanks for reading!

12/03/2006 01:26 pm
Great chapter. Hope you update soon.
Thanks much! I'm hoping to get chapter four up within the next few days.

12/03/2006 11:50 am
Oh this is niiice. Really nice.
Well - so far you are on a right way of making the best "spike takes the dive for buffy and dawn" fic.
Love how you develop the characters. :)
Keep it up! :)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

12/03/2006 06:10 am
So glad to see a new chapter. This is an awesome fic that just keeps getting better. Now that Buffy's figured out how Spike managed to close the portal, she's gonna get Giles to find a way to bring him back, right? I mean a spuffy story reall needs Spike in it. Guess I'm kinda begging you to bring him back. :)
::grins:: well, of COURSE Spike's coming back. This would hardly be a Spuffy story without him! It's just going to take some time. Maybe in chapter fifty. :P Thanks for reading!

12/03/2006 05:12 am
Very nice Buffy reactions and I like the fact that she's got such difficulty in accepting the situation. Good use of the quotes. Looking forward to seeing where you take this.
Thanks very much! I'm working on chapter four, so hopefully it won't take too long until it's up.

12/03/2006 05:09 am
wow great chapter

12/03/2006 03:22 am
Enjoying this story very much. Look forward to the next chapter.
Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it.

12/03/2006 03:16 am
oh good at least she gets it...she needs to explain it to dawn because i hate seeing dawnie mad at spike...another excellent chapter, love...looking forward to more :)
You'll have to wait and see! And thank you so much for reading.

12/03/2006 03:11 am
Another great chapter. I'm so eager to see where you go with this.
So am I. :P Don't have all of it outlined, after all! Maybe I'll surprise myself when I'm writing it. And thank you so much for your wonderful email!

12/03/2006 02:54 am
Fabulous chapter. I am really loving this story. I can't wait to see what Buffy has in mind.
Thank you so much!