Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Connecting

12/28/2006 08:31 am
Wow!, no wonder he has this wonderful connection with both William and Spike, Dru is their sire, he really is his brother. This has to be so hard for Oscar. On one hand he needs his revenge for Diana's sake, but he owe's so much to William and brother Spike and he needs some knowledge that Liam has to help his brother. So exciting, wonderful twist FMS.
Talk about torn, huh? :)

Miss Rose
12/06/2006 01:27 pm
Poor Buffy, she has so much on her mind, her upcoming talk with Joni should be very interesting. I enjoyed Oscar's insightful musings, loved the Dru twist. Wonderful chapter!
I think Buffy has more adjusting to do than Spike or Joni.