For Whom The Bell Tolls by LadyYashka
Chapter: Part 1.4

04/25/2007 04:44 am
oh my God, you did kick his ass.....I am so happy, thanks you so much :)
You're Welcome

12/26/2006 07:20 pm
Loved this :D

12/20/2006 08:02 am
grrr, i hope angel gets turned again, but as a lowly minion, no the lowest of the minions and is everyones bitch, rofl.
HA! That's a wonderful idea! =D

Why didn't I think of that? ;)

12/17/2006 06:28 am
very good read, thank you. angel never gets what he so richly deserves, but faith has the right idea.
Your welcome!

Yeah, Angel needs a good butt kicking. But at least with fan fic we can fix that oversight. ;)

12/15/2006 05:40 pm
I just found this. It's very unique and intriguing. Great work. I'll be looking forward to more. :)
Thank you! I glad that you are enjoying this story. I hope that you will like the rest of the story as it moves along. =)

12/14/2006 01:06 am
Please update this soon, this story is really good. Is Dawn going to end up with Spike in that world?
I'm glad that you like this story. Thank you!
Dawn will eventually end up in that world with Spike. I'm just not telling how. ;)

12/13/2006 11:18 pm
Right hooks and Angel just go together!

Glad Faith called the idiot on his attitude even if I think it went right over his head (even with the poofed up hairdo in the way). Glad Buffy instantly remembered how she ahd said those words to Spike herself. FINALLY she is seeing these two loves as they are.

Excellent. The fantasy world sequences are nicely described and I can visualize the characters easily.

You'd think that with all of that hair gel that something might actually stick as it flew by. ;)

I only wish that Buffy could have seen them as they are on the show, but that's why we have fan fic. That way we can fix things. =)

Thank you for the kind words. This story is definatly one of my favorites and I'm glad that your enjoying it.

12/13/2006 09:00 pm
glad it was faith who knocked him one. looks like angel just lost his last supporter...good
Angel needed a good ass kicking and I felt that it was Faith's turn to deliver it. Glad you liked it. =)

12/13/2006 03:56 pm
great chapter
Thank you! =)

12/13/2006 02:20 pm
Love the 'nice right hook' -- a kick in the goolies wouldn't go amiss!
Thanks! A kick in the 'goodies' would have been fun but then it would have taken him longer to leave. ;)

12/13/2006 02:13 pm
Loved the chapter! Loved it. Angel sooo deserved that. Thank you. Can't wait for more.
Glad you liked it and again, thanks for the idea. =)

More will come soon. =)

12/13/2006 01:18 pm
I don't think Angels gone far enough away.Looking forward to next chapter. Great job
Too bad I kinda need Angel for this story, huh? ;)

Thanks for the review. I'm glad your enjoying this story. =)

12/13/2006 10:25 am
I don't think I quite trust that Oracle. But I am loving Angel getting knocked down!
Angel getting knocked around is always good. =)

As for the Oracle, well, I've got plans for him. ;)