Just Pretending... by BloodyTearsOfLife
Chapter: The Dilemma

08/19/2011 11:23 pm
Dawn certainly knows how to devise cruel and unusual bethrotal rituals!


08/14/2007 01:26 am
Very funny and excellent Dawn. I particularly liked the little detail of her using Buffy's manicure brush because we know Buffy would be really pissed off about that. Great chapter.
Hehe, thanks! I really do like writing Dawn. It's been a new experience.

08/13/2007 05:59 am
Great start. Love it.
Thank you!

01/26/2007 02:36 pm
He he, that vomit line in the beginning was great. I like your Dawn/Buffy interaction. Off to the next chapter. :)
Yes, that's one of my favorite lines too.

01/25/2007 09:05 am
Cool setup, though I wish you hadn't gone into the soul line of argument. It's been done so often, it's tired. And once Buffy spouted that whole destiny line of crap, I was expecting Dawn to set her straight on it. Because Buffy's destiny is to die alone at a very young age. Not exactly uplifting, so why's she clinging to it?
First, thank you for the compliment. I'm sorry if you didn't like the soul line of argument. I think it's something that needs to be addressed though, and I hoped I put a different enough spin on it to set it on its own. Buffy's always been obsessed with the whole 'it's my destiny', I don't even think Dawn is going to sway her from that. I hope you continue to read, and if not, thank you for at least trying my fic out. :-)

01/05/2007 07:36 am
I LOVE the premise, and you have a fabulous writing style. Great stuff! Can't wait to read more.
*blushes* Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it.

01/04/2007 11:47 pm
This is going to be fun. I hope he thinks before speaking!
Well you know Spike. He tends to speak first, think later.

12/31/2006 12:02 am
great beginning. dawn already forcing buffy to actually think. thanks for the fun read.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

12/28/2006 09:40 pm
You're welcome. And there's still more to come!

12/28/2006 07:09 pm
I'm surprised that Buffy isn't making Dawn tell Spike about their 'marriage', though considering how much Spike would do for her I doubt he'd object. it will be interesting to see them trying to cohabitat and get along for the social service people. I loved Buffy comforting Dawn when she started to lose it about being taken away. And that she wasn't going to let her completely of the hook
Well, if she let Dawn tell Spike, who knows what she'd tell him! And I'm glad you liked Buffy's behavior. I'm really trying to make everyone true to their characters. Thanks for reading!

12/28/2006 06:59 pm
Interesting! Leave it to Dawn to fix the whole problem *G*. Looking forward to more.

Oh yes, Dawn can have a great idea sometimes. Thanks for reading!

12/28/2006 12:00 pm
She deserves a really big punishment *nods*
I'm not too sure about that. ;-)

12/28/2006 06:30 am
I like the premise. And I love the last sentence.
Thanks! Glad you liked it.

12/28/2006 04:45 am
Thanks to AD for the concept and to you for putting it into words. Our little Buffster is growing up a little bit. Can't wait to see Spike's reaction to it. He may love her but marriage is a huge thing, even to pretend. The scoobies are going to have a cow, especially Xander, Ooo, I can't wait for the next update, thanks for the excellent chapter, BTOL.
Yes, AD is a bloody genius! And I agree, marriage is a huge thing. I don't think either one of them will completely understand how it's going to affect them. And the Scoobies will have a cow, if they find out. *zips lips* Thanks for reading and reviewing!

12/28/2006 03:45 am
Great start. I love that Dawn brought up the fact that a soul doesn't make someone good and the possibility that Dawn herself might not have a soul.
I felt it was really important for Dawn to bring that up. There's so much they don't know about her. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

12/28/2006 02:52 am
oh wow this should be fun...but something tells me they're still goin to give the impression of a *very* dysfunctional family...lol
Oh yes, it will be fun. LOL! I think every family is a bit dysfunctional, Buffy's just happens to be more special. :-)

12/28/2006 02:21 am
hehehe! Can't be too mad at dawn tho! ;)
Nope, you can't be too mad at Dawn, unless you're Buffy that is!

12/28/2006 01:39 am
I love this concept. I love whenever buffy and spike have to pretend to be married lol.
Thanks, it was AD's idea, I just gave it life.

12/28/2006 12:28 am
Good beginning! Can't wait to see how these guys "pretend"!
Thanks! Glad you like it.

12/27/2006 11:14 pm
“Why is it that you guys always have me paired up with Spike?” Buffy whined with a pout. *giggles*

Interesting start... can't wait to see how this pans out!
Hehe, I couldn't help myself! Thanks for reading.

12/27/2006 10:57 pm
Way to go BtoL! This is gonna prove interesting. I hope Spike does thee whole mushy, over-zealously in love 'boboo twinkle muffins' whenever social workers are around. Just to tweak Buffy's nut if for no other reason! ^^
Heheh, thanks! You'll just have to wait and see what Spike does. ;-)

12/27/2006 10:48 pm
So, this is after Spike didn't tell about Glory, but before Buffy's death? Just clarifying...

Spike's gonna eat this up!
Yes, like it says in the summary, this fic takes place before the events of 'Tough Love'.

12/27/2006 10:25 pm
Loveeeeeeeee it


12/27/2006 10:08 pm
Great start BTL. Can't wait for your next chappie.
Thanks GB! I'll probably post the next chapter in about a week.