Just Pretending... by BloodyTearsOfLife
Chapter: The Proposal

08/14/2007 02:26 am
Good Buffy and Spike interaction. Buffy is such an idiot, but can she dream!
Thank you. I really do enjoy writing their scenes together.

08/13/2007 06:19 am
Aww, poor Buffy, how very frustrating to wake up just at the wrong moment. That will teach her to hurt Spike's feelings.
Yup, got to make things a little tough on Buffy. ;)

01/26/2007 02:45 pm
Ups, poor Buffy. Great chapter
Thank you!

01/22/2007 07:31 pm
Ooo,what a hot chapter. Loved it. Poor Buffy, always trying to fight what she really knows what she wants.
Thanks GB! Glad you liked.

01/08/2007 02:57 am
Very cute.

01/07/2007 04:42 pm
well, well wasn't that an interesting little dream. And very telling. Seems Buffy was a little jealous that SPike agreed to help because of Dawn and not because of her. I'm kind of glad, after she so clearly hurt Spike's feelings. He is much more sensitive than she will let herself see, and she will really need to change her attitude towards him if this thing is going to work. Otherwise they'll both keep saying things to hurt one another. Liked how protective Spike is of Dawn, between not wanting Buffy to mention her out in the open, pointing out that he took a beating for her, and agreeing to help, he really is a great person.
Thank you soo much for your review. You hit on so many things that I was hoping to accomplish. :-)

01/05/2007 06:13 pm
I'm amazed that she never killed Dawn herself. I think I would've.
Nah, she loves Dawn. ;-)

01/05/2007 05:02 pm
Whew! Talk about your realistic dream!
Hehe, you know it!

01/05/2007 08:35 am
lol...Dawn has some timing, doesn't she? buffy can't hide from the truth in her dreams...and these two just cant help hurting each other, can they? *sigh* great update, love, lookin forward to more :)
Dawn certaintly has some timing. And you can never hide from your subconscious. ;-) Glad you enjoyed the chapter.

01/05/2007 07:52 am
Hot, hot, HOT! So very, very close...loved it!

01/05/2007 05:58 am
fun read, thank you. dawn is trying to help in the "real world" and so ruining buffy's dream world. very well done.
Glad you enjoyed it. :-)

01/05/2007 04:01 am
Ah, poor Slayer....has to be unselfish when she doesn't want to be....waah....

Go Spike for having the higher priorities. He loves Dawn.
Yes, despite what others think, I really do believe Spike had a soft spot for Dawn. Thanks for reading!

01/05/2007 03:16 am
Can't wait to see how this pans out! Update soon!
It will definitely be interesting. Thanks for reading!

01/05/2007 01:48 am
Good, glad he got in a few barbs of his own. She's still bitch Buffy, the only way to write her, for now. She know's he's so much better then she gives him credit for and he loves Dawn as much as she does her, even if she won't admit it. Thanks for the dream, gave her something to kick herself in the head about. Fantastic update. And in the word's of Dru...do it again, do it again! Thanks.
I cannot tell you how much your review made me smile, so thank you. I'm really trying to stay true to the characters and I hope that's showing through. Thank you for reading and reviewing. *hugs*

01/04/2007 11:54 pm
God -- poor girl couldn't even get happy in a dream!
*g* Yeah, Buffy can have a little trouble in that area.

Ariel Dawn
01/04/2007 10:17 pm
Can I just say how much this fic rocks my socks? Love the Evil way you ended this chapter. Love Evil Dawn.
Hehe, so glad you're liking it. The ending was pretty evil...

01/04/2007 10:13 pm
Gawd, did I mention I always hated Dawn? *growls*
Well, I don't hate Dawn, except when she's being a whiny brat, so I'm steering clear of that. To me, Dawn's in a pretty scary situation and can be impulsive.