The Next Step by Caro Mio
Chapter: One-shot

07/19/2013 05:59 pm

Totally loved your series and your premise of "a healthy path" - this theme of Buffy not being able to recognize how she contributed to her own emotional and mental health and how she can change and take more control of her life is something that I would like to see more in fanfiction. 

More please :-)
05/04/2010 09:50 am
Thanks for reading. :)
Sorry, this is the last part of the 4-part series. I wrote the one-shots a few years ago. Glad you liked it. Please check out more stories in my profile.


01/16/2007 05:19 am
Its nice to see Buffy on a healthy path. IT so rarely happens LOL.
Very true! Thanks for reading.

01/13/2007 04:48 am
very good read, thank you. it works ending the tale here, but there is a good tale still to be told.
Thanks for the feedback.

01/12/2007 04:41 am
That was a realy nice series. I liked how you ended it here. However, I would definitely not be opposed to more. You are an excellent writer, and I think you could do the developing relationship very well, not to mention seeing how much Buffy's therapy helps her progress. Basically, I like it where it stands, I'd love it if you continued. Either way keep up the great wtiting. Ill look forward to reading more of your work.
Thank you very much. If the mood strkes, I might pick up from this point after i finish some other WIPs.

01/12/2007 03:16 am
Buffy certainly needed therapy and it's done wonders for her. And I certainly wouldn't say no to more of this story.
Thanks...I'm glad the sessions came off well.

01/12/2007 02:45 am
Really liked the sessions with Dr. Thomas - you could expand that into a whole big story by itself. Doubt that only three days a week would do it for Buffy. She should be on the professional friend leash every day
LOL...well, my Buffy isn't quite so screwed up now, what with the restoration of that missing feeling of humanity. But yeah, her sessions could really go on and on! Thanks for reading.

01/12/2007 02:24 am
This has been a really beautiful set of stories, Caro. I like that things got sorted out, not in a let's-fix-everything-in-one-swoop and everything's all perfect again, but in a real way, a healthy way. I always thought it was funny that the sixth season mantra was "Life is the Big Bad" when Buffy never found healthy solutions to the problems in her life in any of the ways that we regular people do. It was just all, "I'm repressed, I'll have sex with Spike, boo-hoo, blah, blah," then, in the last episode Bam! Epiphany, Buffy doesn't hate life anymore! It just doesn't work like that. Your take on the sitch, however, is how it works out. I mean, inside the framework of vamps and witches and such. So very, very much thanks for writing!
Thanks. I thought about having him tell what he did, but it left it in a better place that she can just assume she's getting better because she's working on it. And since they didn't get into the self-loathing sex, Buffy could also figure out that she *wants* Spike as a friend and confidante...which gives them a real, healthy chance. :)

01/12/2007 01:08 am
awww...a very sweet little fic, love how buffy recovered, and what spike's request was...very tender and touching, and yet very real...excellent job :)
Thank you. I try to put as much realism into the fantasy world as possible. I think it makes the supernatural more believable. And I wanted to give them both a real chance for the rest of the year. :)