Every Night, I Save You by The Space Between
Chapter: (¯`•._.CH3 - Coldfire._.•´¯)

01/25/2007 08:27 am
very good read, thank you. love the way spike can calm dawn, the tenderness he displays and that the scoobies know this. (feel free to punctuate the previous.) but did you really have to bring in the great broody one?
Thank you! ^^ HA! Angel makes another appearance soon...he and Spike get confrontational.

Spike and Dawn have a unique relationship...the dynamics between the both of them were sorely downplayed on the show.

01/25/2007 07:47 am
I ache in sympathy for your flu and laptop drearies. Hopefully, getting reviews will act as some sort of homeopathic remedy! I really love this story. It's very touching, and I can't wait to see how it unfolds. Best of luck to you!
Thank you Lindsey :) My flu caused me to bake 2 cakes and a p[an of brownies today...or at least I'm gonna blame the meds.

I have 2 chapters at the ready which I will be posting soon -- the 2nd one comes with a serious tissue warning and then it will lighten up after. Thank you for the compliments^^

01/24/2007 01:33 am
On no, Space. Hope you feel better soon. Greedy readers are waiting semi-patiently. I liked the part with Faith beating up the prison bitch.
*grin* Thank you on both counts. Faith didn't get enough 'normal' screen time. They made her kinda wonky from the getgo.

My Faith will have a history and become more of a 'real' person rather than some simple psuchopath^^

01/23/2007 05:51 am
So sorry Space, hope you'll feel better soon. Damn computer's never know when shit can happen. angel just has to throw his weught around. Love these scoobies so much better then canon. Their attitude will help Spike and Dawn deal with her loss. Looking forward to your next update. Love the Angel bashing, by the way. Thanks for this wonderful fic. Take care.
I love when you review Verda! Always make me smile! Thanks for the well-wishes :)

2 more chapters at the ready so more relatively soon :)

01/23/2007 03:36 am
Feel better soon, hon!

Dresden crypt, eh? :)

Very nice having Wes show up offering to help, and Giles and Xander still being nice to Spike. Ah, Angel....well, that was expected, what with his thinking being so a couple years ago...

Looking forward to more.
Ha! Someone else caught the Dresden reference! My Beta read it twice before she caught it! ^^

There's gonna be more of Angel here, unfortunately for Spike.

01/23/2007 02:08 am
You're doing a wonderful job with this story, and already tried to contain my tears with this chapter, but I couldn't. Love it. Ooh, I hope you feel better soon!
Oooooh poor Esther. I've got an awfully teary chapter coming up soon that might make these kinda look tame. Big showdown!

Thank you for the well wishes.

01/23/2007 12:14 am
Good chapter. You've really caught the weirdness of bereavement. Nice to see Xander behaving decently for a change -- and could Angel be a bigger prat?
^^ Yeah, unfortunately I've had too much experience with that kind of grief. My Dad died 4 years ago and it hit me reaaaaaally hard on top of my being 8 months pregnant and unable to travel so he died before I could even get to see him.

Between pregnany hormones and losing him, I was wonky for quite awhile and went through a WHOOOOOLE gamut of emotions.

More Angel coming soon for Spike. *comforts Spike*

01/23/2007 12:12 am
I like that Xander and Giles were more open to Spike after what happened, although it makes it worse that they didn't continue once buffy came back. Really wanted to slap Angel for implying Spike didn't have the right to be there. Interesting that Faith could sense something was off even while in prison. At least Wesley's presence explains how they came up with the idea to patrol together to keep word from getting out.
Thank you. Yeah everything is kind of dulled down right now with other emotions running so high...unfortunately things wont always stay this way.

01/22/2007 10:13 pm
Great chapter.
<3 thank you :)

01/22/2007 09:55 pm
I gotta say from the first scene to the last this was one incredibly well written chapter! I especially loved the beautiful way you descibed Spike and Dawn in the sleeping scene. And I liked that you included the glimpse into Faith's life in prison, that's not something you find in a lot of fics. Wonderful update!
Sorry to hear you're sick, I hope you feel better soon! :)
^^ Thank you so much! Spike and Dawn are gonna have a lot of chapters dedicated to just them - the first is coming up in the one after the next (so 2 chapters form now).

Faith will get a bit more screentime...not a lot...but some... it'll time into another fic I have going. :)

Thank you for the well-wishes^^

01/22/2007 09:54 pm
I am enjoying this soooo much!! This is what I would have loved to have seen played out on screen. I can't wait to read more!! Hope you feel better soon!!
Glad you're enjoying the fic and thank you very much for the well-wishes :)