Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: Relocation

01/27/2007 06:24 am
very happy to read an update of this interesting tale. thanks for the enjoyable read.
You're welcome, thank you for reviewing.

01/26/2007 08:28 am
You've updated this wonderful fic, thank you. Looks like there won't be a closet for them after all! Janey not Jenny? OK. Can't wait for more updates, missed this happy to have it back.
you're welcome. You never know there may be a closet. Well it was similar to Jenny, and I wasn't to fond of Jenny La Robia as her name.
I hope to be able to update at least 5 times a week, but you never know.

01/26/2007 12:24 am
I love that the hospital is allowing Spike and Buffy to be roomates, this new development is full of interesting possibilities. Great chapter, and welcome back! :)
There really isn't any reason to keep them apart, they always wind up back together.
Oh the possiblities!!
Thank you for the welcome back.

01/25/2007 06:37 pm
oh, i like this version of jenny, and i'm so glad they gave them a room together...it's really sweet to thing of them wandering the halls in the middle of the night, making their way to each other...but it's better that they wont have to :) great job :)
Wait 'til you see what's coming.
I guarantee no one's expecting what is going to happen.
Glad you're still reading, hope the rest is as alluring as the first few chapters.